
Python: PDF: How to read from form elements like checkbox

我在 python 中使用 Reportlab API 创建了一个表单,例如带有一些复选框。


from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfform
from reportlab.lib.colors import magenta, pink, blue, green

def create_simple_checkboxes():
    c = canvas.Canvas('simple_checkboxes2.pdf')

    #c.setFont("Courier", 20)
    c.drawCentredString(300, 700, 'Pets')
    #c.setFont("Courier", 14)
    form = c.acroForm

    c.drawString(10, 650, 'Dog:')
    form.checkbox(name='cb1', tooltip='Field cb1',
                  x=110, y=645)

    c.drawString(10, 600, 'Cat:')
    form.checkbox(name='cb2', tooltip='Field cb2',
                  x=110, y=595)

    c.drawString(10, 550, 'Pony:')
    form.checkbox(name='cb3', tooltip='Field cb3',
                  x=110, y=545)

    c.drawString(10, 500, 'Python:')
    form.checkbox(name='cb4', tooltip='Field cb4',
                  x=110, y=495)

    c.drawString(10, 450, 'Hamster:')
    form.checkbox(name='cb5', tooltip='Field cb5',
                  x=110, y=445, checked=True)              

if __name__ == '__main__':

现在,我如何才能在稍后使用 Python 读取用户填写的 PDF 中的输入? 我在 Reportlab API.



我没有关于 reportlab 的解决方案...
但是你可以使用 PyPDF2 :)

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
import json

def getcheckboxes(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as pdf:
        pdfr = PdfFileReader(pdf)

        pdf_fields = pdfr.getFields() #get field content of PDF File
        rp = str(pdf_fields).replace("'", '"') #replace single quote with doudble to load string to dict
        boxes = json.loads(rp) # string -> dict
        for box in boxes: #loop over all checkboxes
            print("checkbox {0} value is {1}".format(boxes[box]["/T"], boxes[box]["/V"])) #print out name = /T attribute and checked attribite = /V
