无法将 tomcat 升级到最新版本

Can't upgrade tomcat to a latest version

我有一些 Amazon Linux 实例,我安装了 tomcat 版本 8.5.29。 所以 Apache 宣布最新版本 8.5.40.

我想将 tomcat 从 8.5.29 升级到 8.5.40。

我使用命令:sudo yum update tomcat8 但我无法升级到 8.5.40,我只能升级到 8.5.32。

我通过命令检查:sudo yum info tomcat8 但只有 8.5.32 包可用。

请问为什么我不能升级到 8.5.40 版本?



AWS 支持者回答如下:

I checked the tomcat versions from the Tomcat website(https://tomcat.apache.org ) and I could find that the version 8.5.40 is available from April 10 2019. Usually it takes sometime to get these packages to Amazon Linux repository after rpm building and basic testing of the same, once it is available from the package vendor. I have reached out to the service team who maintains the 'amzn-updates' repository to seek by when the 8.5.40 version will be available via Amazon Linux repositories. Unfortunately, I do not have any ETA by when it would be available. Please be rest assured that I would inform you as soon as I hear from the service team. I am keeping this case open with the status "Pending on Amazon Action" until we get a reply from service tea,. Please feel free to update the case if you have any additional queries in the meantime.

Our internal service team has accepted our request to add the tomcat 8.5.40 version to the Amazon Linux repository. However, there are several blockers to get it added quickly, hence, you may expect sometime before it will be available via Amazon Linux repository. Unfortunately, service team is unable to provide any ETA by when this package will be available, but they are actively working on getting the tomcat 8.5.40 version available for Amazon Linux. I understand it is frustrating, but I would request you to bear with us until we complete the process to make the package version available for Amazon Linux. On behalf of AWS,I apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this. Since it is not possible to keep the case open until the package is available, I am flipping the case status to "Pending merchant action" for now. Inactivity on this case with the above status might cause the case to auto resolve. Even if the case get auto resolved, I will be sending you a reply on this case once the package is available. Also, you may re-open this case anytime by adding a correspondence to this case for seeking updates.

Hope this helps.Please feel free to revert to us in case you have any additional queries, and we will be glad to be of assistance.