根据第一个异步调用 returns 执行函数

Execute function depending on which async call returns first

虽然 运行 对登录流程进行 UI 测试,但用户可能已经登录。如果用户已登录,则需要先执行注销。

在这种情况下,我必须等待登录或退出按钮出现,但我不知道会出现哪个。我想简单地等待一个或另一个出现,然后根据第一个 returns 执行操作。



        try {
            const profileIconLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-item-icon-profile');
            await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(profileIconLocator));
            const profileIcon = await browser.findElement(profileIconLocator);
            assert.ok(await profileIcon.isDisplayed(), 'Ordbog profile icon button is visible');
            await profileIcon.click();

            const logOutLinkLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-dropdown-tools-item:nth-child(3)');
            await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(logOutLinkLocator));
            const logOutLink = await browser.findElement(logOutLinkLocator);
            assert.ok(await logOutLink.isDisplayed(), 'Log out link is visible');
            await logOutLink.click();
        } catch (error) {
            console.log("LogOutStep: Failed to log out before logging in", error);


        let signInButtonLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-item-icon-signin');
        await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(signInButtonLocator));

        const signInButton = await browser.findElement(signInButtonLocator);
        assert.ok(await signInButton.isDisplayed(), 'Sign in button is visible');
        await signInButton.click();

我希望用户在登录之前始终注销,但是 UI-test 在每个测试用户的第一次注销尝试中必须等待超时是不理想的。

理想的结果是我可以等待对 return 的两个异步调用中的任何一个,在 return 上取消另一个,然后执行这样的函数:

// Wait for this to execute first(log out button)
            const profileIconLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-item-icon-profile');
            await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(profileIconLocator));

// or this (sign in button)

        let signInButtonLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-item-icon-signin');
        await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(signInButtonLocator));

// If sign in button shows first, run login
// If sign out button shows first, perform log out, then login again.


// Set flags
let firstPromiseResolved = false;
let secondPromiseResolved = false;    

// Start asynchronous functions
firstPromise(resolve, reject).then(function(firstResult){
  if(secondPromiseResolved === false){
    // Maybe we want to use firstResult for some purpose here?
    firstPromiseResolved = true; // Set flag so the other function won't log us out
    login(); // Do the thing
secondPromise(resolve, reject).then(function(secondResult){
  if(firstPromiseResolved === false){
    // Maybe we want to use secondResult for some purpose here?
    secondPromiseResolved = true; // Set flag so the other function won't log us in
    logoutAndlogin(); // Do the other thing

我最终以不同的方式解决了它,通过使用等待一个或另一个 CSS class 的第一个实例的多查询选择器。所以我在这里等待登录按钮或注销按钮先出现,然后根据出现的元素的 class 进行操作:

    const profileIconOrSignInButtonLocator = By.css('.frontpage-menu-item-icon-profile, .frontpage-menu-item-icon-signin');
    await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(profileIconOrSignInButtonLocator));
    const loginOrLogoutButton = await browser.findElement(profileIconOrSignInButtonLocator);
    var elementClass = await loginOrLogoutButton.getAttribute('class');

    if (elementClass === 'frontpage-menu-item-icon frontpage-menu-item-icon-signin') {
        console.log("Simply log in");
        await loginFrontPage(browser);
    } else { // If this happens we're already logged in, and need to log out first.
        console.log("Log out and then log in");
        await logoutFrontPage(browser);
        await loginFrontPage(browser);