
I can´t open dialog an mattermost?

When i send a request to mattermost API. I get response error code 400(Bad Request). I am using the language of c #, and this serializing an anonymous class to generate the format.

               "url": "https://myapi.com/api/values/service",
               "dialog": {
                 "callback_id": "123",
                 "title": "Form Test",
                 "icon_url": "http://www.mattermost.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/icon.png",
                 "elements": [
                     "display_name": "Display Name",
                     "name": "Name",
                     "type": "text",
                    "subtype": "",
                     "default": "default text",
                    "placeholder": "Placeholder",
                    "help_text": "This is a test regular input",
                    "optional": false,
                     "min_length": 0,
                     "max_length": 0,
                    "data_source": "",
                    "options": null
                    "display_name": "Email",
                     "name": "youremail@email.com",
                     "type": "text",
                     "subtype": "",
                    "default": "default text",
                     "placeholder": "placeholder@bladekick.com",
                     "help_text": "This is a test regular input",
                 "optional": false,
                  "min_length": 0,
                     "max_length": 0,
                     "data_source": "",
                   "options": null
                    "display_name": "Number",
                     "name": "Number",
                     "type": "text",
                     "subtype": "number",
                     "default": "",
                     "placeholder": "",
                     "help_text": "",
                     "optional": false,
                     "min_length": 0,
                     "max_length": 0,
                     "data_source": "",
                     "options": null
                 "submit_label": "Enviar",
                 "notify_on_cancel": false,
                 "state": "Default state"

This is my json that i send Help me please with this error. Attachment Picture Code 400

嗯,我解决了。我的错误是我发出 HTTP 请求的方式。

我在做什么延迟了请求,“trigger_id”过期了。请记住,“trigger_id”的使用寿命为 3 秒。

我的建议是尝试使用不同的方式发送请求,因为我发送的JSON(与您的相同)是正确的。 我的另一个观察是,它显然没有作为“应用程序 / json”
