由 Scala 宏生成时,依赖类型似乎“不起作用”

Dependent type seems to “not work” when generated by Scala macro



我有以下特征,其中类型 U 是为了容纳 Shapeless extensible record 类型:

trait Flattened[T] {
  type U <: shapeless.HList
  def fields: U


object flatten {

  import scala.language.experimental.macros
  import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context

  def apply[T](struct: T): Flattened[T] =
    macro impl[T]

  def impl[T : c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(struct: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
    import c.universe._

    // AST representing a Shapeless extensible record (actual
    // implementation uses values in `struct` to construct this
    // AST, but I've simplified it for this example).
    val fields: Tree = q"""("a" ->> 1) :: ("b" ->> "two") :: ("c" ->> true) :: HNil"""

    // Result type of the above AST
    val tpe: TypeTree = TypeTree(c.typecheck(q"$fields").tpe)

    new Flattened[${weakTypeOf[T]}] {
      import shapeless._
      import syntax.singleton._
      import record._

      type U = $tpe
      val fields = $fields


问题是,当我使用此宏创建 Flattened 的新实例时,fields 的类型不再是可扩展记录:

import shapeless._
import syntax.singleton._
import record._

val s = "some value... it doesn't matter for this example, since it isn't used. I'm just putting something here so the example compiles and runs in a REPL."
val t = flatten(s)

val fields = t.fields
// fields: t.U = 1 :: "two" :: true :: HNil

fields("a")  // compile error!

// The compile error is:
//     cmd5.sc:1: No field String("a") in record ammonite.$sess.cmd4.t.U
//     val res5 = fields("a")
//                      ^
//     Compilation Failed



// I can't actually instantiate a new `Flattened[_]` manually, since
// defining the type `U` would be convoluted (not even sure it can be
// done), so an object with the same field is the next best thing.
object Foo {
  import shapeless._
  import syntax.singleton._
  import record._

  val fields = ("a" ->> 1) :: ("b" ->> "two") :: ("c" ->> true) :: HNil

val a = Foo.fields("a")
// a: Int = 1

val b = Foo.fields("b")
// b: String = "two"

val c = Foo.fields("c")
// c: Boolean = true



def apply[T](struct: T): Flattened[T] = macro impl[T]
def impl[T : c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(struct: c.Tree): c.Tree

您正在使用黑盒宏,并且根据 the documentation,黑盒宏符合其签名。也就是说,即使 impl 产生一个 Flattened[T] { type U = ... },它是一个黑盒宏这一事实意味着 scalac 总是将它包装在 (_: Flattened[T]) 中,而忘记了 [=16] 的定义=] 在细化中。将其设为白盒宏:

// import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.context // NO!
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.context
def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(struct: c.Tree): c.Tree