如何在 ansible 中使用 yum 模块禁用所有存储库?

How to disable all repositories using yum module in ansible?

我正在尝试禁用所有 yum 存储库并仅启用 1 个存储库来安装 yum package.How 以禁用所有使用 yum 模块的存储库?

尝试使用 disablerepo='*' 但不确定这是否是正确的方法

- name: Update the uek kernel pkg on gateways
      name: "{{ packages }}"
      disablerepo: "*"
      enablerepo: test_iso
      - kernel-uek
    become_user: root

Ansible documentation 建议您必须提供以逗号分隔的 repo id 列表。

disablerepo: Repoid of repositories to disable for the install/update operation. These repos will not persist beyond the transaction. When specifying multiple repos, separate them with a ",". As of Ansible 2.7, this can alternatively be a list instead of "," separated string


- name: Install package with multiple repos disabled
    name: sos
    disablerepo: "epel,ol7_latest"

您也可以考虑使用 yum_repository 模块作为替代:

# Example removing a repository and cleaning up metadata cache
- name: Remove repository (and clean up left-over metadata)
    name: epel
    state: absent
  notify: yum-clean-metadata

正如 Nick 所指出的,当前的 yum 模块要求我们提供特定存储库名称的列表。

我们可以使用yum -q repolist查询和解析存储库列表。

- hosts: localhost

  - name: Get list of yum repos (to disable them temporarily)
    ansible.builtin.command: yum -q repolist
    register: _yum_repolist_output
    changed_when: False

  - name: Install Docker RPMs
      name: "http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/vim-enhanced-7.4.629-7.el7.x86_64.rpm"
      enablerepo: []
      disablerepo: "{{ _yum_repolist_output.stdout_lines[1:] | map('split',' ') | map('first') | list }}"

这不是一个理想的解决方案,但它似乎是在存储库配置损坏的设置中使用 yum 模块的唯一解决方案,例如在 air-gap 个系统上。