
Use super method with sub type param

我正在尝试在超级 class 中实现一些功能,这样我就不必总是在其子项中重复它。示例:

trait Animal {
  def applyF(transition: Animal => Animal): Animal = transition(this) // Animal as param and return type
case class Cat(color: String) extends Animal {
  def changeColor(color: String): Cat = this.copy(color)

  def update(): Animal = {
    val transition = (cat: Cat) => cat.changeColor("yellow") // Cat as param and return type
    applyF(transition) // <-- Type mismatch, expected: Animal => Animal, actual: Cat => Cat

但这会导致类型不匹配,因为 Cat 不是 Animal。为什么这不起作用? Cat 扩展了 Animal,所以它应该是动物吧?





trait Animal {
  def applyF[A >: this.type <: Animal](transitions: Iterable[A => Animal]): Animal =
    transitions.foldLeft(this)((animal, transition) => transition(animal))
case class Cat(color: String) extends Animal {
  def changeColor(color: String): Cat = this.copy(color)

  def update(): Animal = {
    val transition = (cat: Cat) => cat.changeColor("yellow") // Cat as param and return type
    applyF(Iterable(transition)) // <-- Type mismatch, expected: A, actual: entity.type (with underlying type example.state.Entity)

Cat 扩展了 AnimalCat => Cat 没有扩展 Animal => Animal.

A => B 对于 B 是协变的,对于 A 是逆变的,即如果 A1 <: AB1 <: B 那么 A => B1 <: A => B <: A1 => B .

如果参数化 Animal#applyF 会怎样?

trait Animal {
  def applyF[A >: this.type <: Animal](transition: A => Animal): Animal = transition(this)

trait Animal { 
  def applyF[A >: this.type <: Animal](transitions: Iterable[A => A]): Animal /*A*/ =
    transitions.foldLeft[A](this)((animal, transition) => transition(animal)) 

其他选项是使用 F-Bounded Polymorphism

trait Animal[A <: Animal[A]] { self: A =>
  def applyF(transition: Iterable[A => A]): A = // I would use List instead of Iterable.
    transition.foldLeft(this)((animal, transition) => transition(animal))
final case class Cat(color: String) extends Animal[Cat] {
  def changeColor(color: String): Cat = this.copy(color)

  def update(): Cat =
    applyF(List(cat => cat.changeColor("yellow")))

但是,请记住 it does bring its own problems