Python- ARMA 样本内预测函数与 Statsmodels
Python- ARMA In-sample prediction function with Statsmodels
我使用统计模型拟合了一个具有一个外生变量的 ARMA(1,0) 模型(因此是一个 ARX(1) 模型)。为了进行现实检查,我将此模型应用于训练数据:
y_hat_i=arparam*y_true_i-1 + beta*x_true_i+const
然后我将这个结果与statsmodels.ARMA.predict()进行比较,它们是不一样的。我查看了 sm 的源代码,它使用 endo_true 减残差作为样本内预测,但我仍然不明白为什么这两者不同。
##################### fit an ARX(1) model ###############################
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
exog = [0.05006667 ,0.05036667, 0.05143333, 0.04983333 ,0.05006667 ,0.04843333,
0.04406667, 0.04496667, 0.0487, 0.0463 , 0.0426, 0.0401,
0.03973333, 0.03763333, 0.03493333 ,0.0336 , 0.03536667 ,0.0389,
0.0438 , 0.0429 ] # exogenous variable
endog = [-0.00747451 ,-0.01205813 ,-0.00899203 , 0.00942409, -0.00727726, -0.0278912,
-0.01763623 , 0.00745353 , 0.00438131 ,-0.01059955, -0.00413446 , 0.01286785,
0.00805098 , 0.00516204 , 0.01551592 , 0.01543293, 0.00837698 ,0.00882242,
0.01890189 , 0.01434118] # endogenous variable
arma_model = sm.tsa.ARMA(endog,order=(1,0),exog=exog)
arma_res =
sresult = arma_model.predict(arma_res.params) #in sample fit returned from predict() function
myresult=[sresult[0]] # list for my own in sample fit result
arparam= 0.2675 # arparam from statsmodel
beta=-1.2765 # exogenous coeffcient from statsmodel
const=0.0576 # const param from sm
for idx in range(1,len(endog)): # apply the ARX model
prediction = arparam*(endog [idx-1]) + beta*(exog [idx]) + const
myresult.append(prediction )
ax.plot(np.array(myresult),"red",label="my result")
ax.plot(sresult, label="stats model result")
ax.set_title("Why they are different?")
enter image description here
最终答案是 Statsmodels 适合 "regression with AR errors"。在我的回答中查看更多详细信息:
我使用统计模型拟合了一个具有一个外生变量的 ARMA(1,0) 模型(因此是一个 ARX(1) 模型)。为了进行现实检查,我将此模型应用于训练数据:
y_hat_i=arparam*y_true_i-1 + beta*x_true_i+const
然后我将这个结果与statsmodels.ARMA.predict()进行比较,它们是不一样的。我查看了 sm 的源代码,它使用 endo_true 减残差作为样本内预测,但我仍然不明白为什么这两者不同。
##################### fit an ARX(1) model ###############################
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.api as sm
exog = [0.05006667 ,0.05036667, 0.05143333, 0.04983333 ,0.05006667 ,0.04843333,
0.04406667, 0.04496667, 0.0487, 0.0463 , 0.0426, 0.0401,
0.03973333, 0.03763333, 0.03493333 ,0.0336 , 0.03536667 ,0.0389,
0.0438 , 0.0429 ] # exogenous variable
endog = [-0.00747451 ,-0.01205813 ,-0.00899203 , 0.00942409, -0.00727726, -0.0278912,
-0.01763623 , 0.00745353 , 0.00438131 ,-0.01059955, -0.00413446 , 0.01286785,
0.00805098 , 0.00516204 , 0.01551592 , 0.01543293, 0.00837698 ,0.00882242,
0.01890189 , 0.01434118] # endogenous variable
arma_model = sm.tsa.ARMA(endog,order=(1,0),exog=exog)
arma_res =
sresult = arma_model.predict(arma_res.params) #in sample fit returned from predict() function
myresult=[sresult[0]] # list for my own in sample fit result
arparam= 0.2675 # arparam from statsmodel
beta=-1.2765 # exogenous coeffcient from statsmodel
const=0.0576 # const param from sm
for idx in range(1,len(endog)): # apply the ARX model
prediction = arparam*(endog [idx-1]) + beta*(exog [idx]) + const
myresult.append(prediction )
ax.plot(np.array(myresult),"red",label="my result")
ax.plot(sresult, label="stats model result")
ax.set_title("Why they are different?")
enter image description here
最终答案是 Statsmodels 适合 "regression with AR errors"。在我的回答中查看更多详细信息: