C# enum ToString() 是否保证 return 枚举名称?

Is C# enum ToString() guaranteed to return enum name?

enum Flags

Flags.Foo.ToString()是否保证return"Foo"?或者我必须使用 Enum.GetName(...)?



var test = (Flags)(-1);
// test.ToString() == "-1"

如果该值与枚举项不匹配,它只会 return 作为字符串的基础值。默认情况下,枚举的基础数据类型是 int.

此外,如果您的枚举是用 [Flags] 定义的,如下所示:

enum Flags
    Foo = 1,
    Bar = 2


var test = Flags.Foo | Flags.Bar;
// test.ToString() == "Foo, Bar"

就像 Orace 在评论中指出的那样,如果值不明确,即如果多个枚举项可以匹配该值,则您不应该对将选择哪一个做出任何假设。

The return value is formatted with the general format specifier ("G"). That is, if the FlagsAttribute is not applied to this enumerated type and there is a named constant equal to the value of this instance, then the return value is a string containing the name of the constant. If the FlagsAttribute is applied and there is a combination of one or more named constants equal to the value of this instance, then the return value is a string containing a delimiter-separated list of the names of the constants. Otherwise, the return value is the string representation of the numeric value of this instance.