在 swift 字典中作为键引用

Reference as key in swift dictionary

词典键需要 Hashable 一致性:

class Test {}
var dictionary = [Test: String]() // Type 'Test' dies not conform to protocol 'Hashable'

class Test: NSObject {}
var dictionary = [Test: String]() // Works

如何获取纯 Swift class 实例的地址以用作 hashValue?

相等性可以实现为对象标识,即a == b当且仅当ab指的是class的同一个实例,哈希值可以是从 ObjectIdentifier 构建(对于相同的对象是相同的,比较例如 ):

对于 Swift 4.2 及更高版本:

class Test : Hashable {
    static func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
        return lhs === rhs

    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

对于Swift 3:

class Test : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { return ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue }

func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
    return lhs === rhs

对于 Swift 2.3 及更早版本,您可以使用

/// Return an UnsafePointer to the storage used for `object`.  There's
/// not much you can do with this other than use it to identify the
/// object
func unsafeAddressOf(object: AnyObject) -> UnsafePointer<Void>

class Test : Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int { return unsafeAddressOf(self).hashValue }

func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
    return lhs === rhs


var dictionary = [Test: String]()
let a = Test()
let b = Test()
dictionary[a] = "A"
print(dictionary[a]) // Optional("A")
print(dictionary[b]) // nil

实施 Equatable 协议。

如果您出于某种原因不想或不能实施 Hashable,使用 Objective C 助手很容易:

(long )getPtr:(SomeType* )ptr { return (long )ptr; }

long 映射到 Swift Int 并且可以完美地用作 32 位和 64 位体系结构上的 Swift Dictionary 键。这是我在分析不同方法(包括 unsafeAddress)时发现的最快的解决方案。在我的案例中,性能是主要标准。

Swift 3

这基于 with insightful comment from Christopher Swasey

class Test: Hashable, Equatable {
    lazy var hashValue: Int = ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue

    static func ==(lhs: Test, rhs: Test) -> Bool {
        return lhs === rhs

var dictionary = [Test: String]()
let a = Test()
let b = Test()
dictionary[a] = "A"
print(dictionary[a]) // Optional("A")
print(dictionary[b]) // nil