Unity Leap Motion 错误消息 "INPUT AXIS NOT SET UP"

Unity Leap Motion Error Message "INPUT AXIS NOT SET UP"

我目前正在使用 Leap Motion、HTC Vive 和 Unity 做我的第一个 VR 项目。 当我创建一个新项目并添加 LeapRig 时,一切都很好,但是在将交互管理器添加为 LeapRig 的子项之后,我收到以下错误消息,该消息每秒重复多次:

INPUT AXIS NOT SET UP.  Go to your Input Manager and add a definition for  on the 9th Joystick Axis.
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionXRController:fixedUpdateGraspButtonState(Boolean) (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionXRController.cs:733)
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionXRController:fixedUpdateGraspingState() (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionXRController.cs:706)
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionController:fixedUpdateGrasping() (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionController.cs:1783)
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionController:Leap.Unity.Interaction.IInternalInteractionController.FixedUpdateController() (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionController.cs:259)
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionManager:fixedUpdateInteractionControllers() (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionManager.cs:372)
Leap.Unity.Interaction.InteractionManager:FixedUpdate() (at Assets/LeapMotion/Modules/InteractionEngine/Scripts/InteractionManager.cs:299)

有没有人知道为什么会发生这种情况以及如何解决? 我已经与交互管理器一起工作,但突然出现此错误消息。 我也可以 运行 我的程序也很好,但是这个错误仍然困扰着我,并且很难正确使用控制台。




If you intend to use the Interaction Engine with Oculus Touch or Vive controllers, you'll need to configure your project's input settings before you'll be able to use the controllers to grasp objects. Input settings are project settings that cannot be changed by imported packages, which is why we can't configure these input settings for you. You can skip this section if you are only interested in using Leap hands with the Interaction Engine.

Go to your Input Manager (Edit -> Project Settings -> Input) and set up the joystick axes you'd like to use for left-hand and right-hand grasps. (Controller triggers are still referred to as 'joysticks' in Unity's parlance.) Then make sure each InteractionXRController has its grasping axis set to the corresponding axis you set up. The default prefabs for left and right InteractionXRControllers will look for axes named LeftXRTriggerAxis and RightXRTriggerAxis, respectively.

Helpful diagrams and axis labels can be found in Unity's documentation.