如何在 Mendix 中导入小部件包?

How to import a widget package in Mendix?

我想添加 Microflow Timer in my application. When I click download button, widget was not placed in my app project structure as it was mentioned in the official documentation here.. Then I paced that in widget folder of my app by following this 个答案。



Select 小部件截图。

您需要在建模器中按 F4 - 它会将 widgets 文件夹与您的模型同步。然后,小部件将可用。

Synchronize Project Directory

If necessary, this action creates folders inside the project directory (resources, widgets, theme, etc.). It also reads the widget packages that are currently inside the widgets folders. For example, if you add widgets to the widgets folder, you needs to synchronize the project directory for them to appear in the form toolbox.
