为什么字段声明必须在 class 中,因为它实现了一个接口

Why field declaration is must in class as it implements an interface

我想澄清我在 class 上实现接口的概念。

An interface is something like a template which cannot make an impact until a class implements it. (link)


interface IVehicle {
    color: string,
    model_no: number,

然后我将 class 设为:

class Vehicle implements IVehicle {


它在 class 名称处给了我红色下划线。为什么我必须在 class 中再次声明字段,因为它正在实现一个不能获取其字段的接口?


class Vehicle implements IVehicle {
    color: string;
    model_no: number;

那aclass不能fetch其实现的接口的字段是什么接口,如果我不实现接口直接在a[=中声明字段怎么办? 30=]。我在想为什么 TypeScript 的开发者要添加这个东西?它加倍了代码;首先制作一个接口,在那里声明字段,然后制作一个 class (还添加 implements InterfaceName,然后再次在 class 中声明这些字段,为什么?


interface IVehicle {
    color: string;
    model_no: number;

class ClownCar implements IVehicle {
    // can be a subset of original type
    public color: 'red' | 'green' | 'blue';
    public model_no: 250 = 250;

class NonEditableCar implements IVehicle {
    // can use getter or setters instead, doesn't have to be normal field
    get color() {
        return 'grey';
    get model_no(){
        return 100;

一个接口只是说一个实例将有那些字段,并没有说它必须匹配那个确切的类型。 class 中的声明指定实现是存储需要初始化的实例变量。


interface VehicleCarrier {
    contents: IVehicle[];
    launch(count: number): void;

class AircraftCarrier implements VehicleCarrier {
    // this is more specific, and because the inteface forces you to write it you have to consider that
    // it should be more specific.
    public contents: (Plane | Submarine)[];
    // can extend call signatures for methods
    public launch(count: number, type: 'plane' | 'sub' = 'plane') {}