最近 Xodus 版本中的服务提供者接口

Service Provider Interface in recent Xodus release

最新版本的 Xodus 状态:

This release offers Service Provider Interface for I/O customization in the package jetbrains.exodus.io. In addition to default disk-based I/O, it lets you configure your application to use an in-memory database, or to access in read-only mode disk-based database opened in another JVM. You can also create your own I/O provider, e.g., for storing data in a remote/cloud file system.

这是否意味着 S3 已经准备好或准备好通过 SPI 插入 Xodus?

在版本 1.3.0 中,不支持开箱即用地在任何 remote/cloud 文件系统中存储数据。