无法理解为什么 validateOpt 会 return `None` 而不是 `JsError`

unable to understand why validateOpt will return `None` instead of `JsError`

在下面的代码中,我无法理解为什么 validateOpt 可能 return 值 JsSuccess(None) 而不是 JsError

def getQuestion = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async{ 

    implicit request => {        
      val body: AnyContent = request.body
      val jsonBodyOption: Option[JsValue] = body.asJson

      jsonBodyOption.map((jsonBody:JsValue) => { //body is json
        val personJsonJsResultOption = jsonBody.validateOpt[Person]//check that json structure is correct

        personJsonJsResultOption match {
          case personSuccessOption: JsSuccess[Option[Person]] => { //json is correct
val personOption = personSuccessOption.getOrElse(None) //why would getOrElse return None??
            personOption match {
              case Some(person) => {
...              }
              case None =>{ //I am not sure when this will be triggered.
          case e: JsError => {
      .getOrElse(//body is not json

validateOpt 通过设计认为成功不仅是当 body 提供实际 Person 时,而且当 Personnull 或未提供时。请注意 documentation 如何解释返回 JsSuccess(None) 的原因:

   * If this result contains `JsNull` or is undefined, returns `JsSuccess(None)`.
   * Otherwise returns the result of validating as an `A` and wrapping the result in a `Some`.
  def validateOpt[A](implicit rds: Reads[A]): JsResult[Option[A]]

您的要求似乎是 Person 必须 always 被视为成功,因此在这种情况下应使用 validate 而不是 validateOpt.