在 python 中将输入字符串转换为 int

Convert input str to int in python


TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int' in its current state.


number = input ("Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30")


我试过在 numberinput 之后放置“int”,但它不起作用。不知道把它放在哪里才能让它工作。

默认输入类型为string。要将其转换为 integer,只需将 int 放在 input 之前即可。例如。

number = int(input("Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30: "))


Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30: 30
<class 'int'>   # it shows that the input type is integer


# any input is string
number = input("Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30: ")   
try:                      # if possible, try to convert the input into integer
    number = int(number)
except:                   # if the input couldn't be converted into integer, then do nothing
print(type(number))       # see the input type after processing


Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30: 25    # the input is a number 25
<class 'int'>   # 25 is possible to convert into integer. So, the type is integer

Please guess what number I'm thinking of. HINT: it's between 1 and 30: AAA   # the input is a number AAA
<class 'str'>   # AAA is impossible to convert into integer. So, the type remains string