如何使用字符串在 UWP 的 AutoSuggestBox 中显示数据
How do I use a string to show Data in AutoSuggestBox in UWP
我正在尝试使用 AutoSuggestBox 来显示从字符串键入的数据。
我已经尝试制作一个包含一些单词的数组,这些单词将在用户键入时显示在 AutoSuggestBox 中,但是我需要来自 API 的数据,这些数据存储在一个字符串中以显示在 AutoSuggestBox 中.现在,我使用一个数组来显示用户键入的 3 个单词,以及包含 API 数据的字符串,这些数据被添加到 ListBox 中。
然而,这是在 AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged 方法中完成的,因此当用户键入时,我们获得的数据会添加到列表框中。
private async void AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
string[] Autoitems = new string[] { "check", "apple", "banana" } //Temporary Array for AutoSuggestBox
var Auto = (AutoSuggestBox)sender;
var Suggestion = Autoitems.Where(p => p.StartsWith(Auto.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
Auto.ItemsSource = Suggestion; //This displays only items from array as being typed.
string searchedName = SearchBox.Text;
myFood = await NutritionixAPI.GetFood(searchedName);
//The data I get from the API is stored in the temp string
string temp = myFood.hits[0].fields.item_name + " Calories: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_calories + " Protein: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_protein + " Fat: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_total_fat;
ResultListBox.Items.Add(temp); //temp string data is added to a listbox
Total += myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_calories;
TotalCalories.Text = ((int)Total).ToString(); //Adds the calories of each added food to the Total Variable and Display it
我希望 AutoSuggestBox 向我显示正在键入的字符串中的数据。例如 "Bana" - 弹出带有名称 Bana 的食物列表。
但实际结果是 AutoSuggestBox 显示 ArrayData 和 API 字符串中的数据在键入时被添加到列表框中。
I want the contents from the bottom arrow to show in the left arrow. So Bana Krisp Fruit Crackers Calories: 150 Protein to be showed in textbox where (Banana) is first arrow to the left.
根据您的要求,您可以使用 NutritionixAPI
获取类型化数据,然后将数据转换为格式字符串。为存储格式字符串的 AutoSuggestBox Itemsource 创建一个新列表。
private async void AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
switch (args.Reason)
case AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason.ProgrammaticChange:
case AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason.SuggestionChosen:
sender.ItemsSource = null;
var query = sender.Text;
var hits = await NutritionixAPI.GetFoods(query);
List<string> items = new List<string>();
foreach (var hit in hits)
string temp = hit.fields.item_name + " Calories: " + hit.fields.nf_serving_size_qty + " Protein: " + hit.fields.nf_serving_size_unit + " Fat: " + hit.fields.item_id;
if (items.Exists(p => p == temp) == false)
var Suggestion = items.Where(p => p.StartsWith(sender.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
sender.ItemsSource = Suggestion;
我正在尝试使用 AutoSuggestBox 来显示从字符串键入的数据。
我已经尝试制作一个包含一些单词的数组,这些单词将在用户键入时显示在 AutoSuggestBox 中,但是我需要来自 API 的数据,这些数据存储在一个字符串中以显示在 AutoSuggestBox 中.现在,我使用一个数组来显示用户键入的 3 个单词,以及包含 API 数据的字符串,这些数据被添加到 ListBox 中。
然而,这是在 AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged 方法中完成的,因此当用户键入时,我们获得的数据会添加到列表框中。
private async void AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
string[] Autoitems = new string[] { "check", "apple", "banana" } //Temporary Array for AutoSuggestBox
var Auto = (AutoSuggestBox)sender;
var Suggestion = Autoitems.Where(p => p.StartsWith(Auto.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
Auto.ItemsSource = Suggestion; //This displays only items from array as being typed.
string searchedName = SearchBox.Text;
myFood = await NutritionixAPI.GetFood(searchedName);
//The data I get from the API is stored in the temp string
string temp = myFood.hits[0].fields.item_name + " Calories: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_calories + " Protein: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_protein + " Fat: " + myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_total_fat;
ResultListBox.Items.Add(temp); //temp string data is added to a listbox
Total += myFood.hits[0].fields.nf_calories;
TotalCalories.Text = ((int)Total).ToString(); //Adds the calories of each added food to the Total Variable and Display it
我希望 AutoSuggestBox 向我显示正在键入的字符串中的数据。例如 "Bana" - 弹出带有名称 Bana 的食物列表。
但实际结果是 AutoSuggestBox 显示 ArrayData 和 API 字符串中的数据在键入时被添加到列表框中。
I want the contents from the bottom arrow to show in the left arrow. So Bana Krisp Fruit Crackers Calories: 150 Protein to be showed in textbox where (Banana) is first arrow to the left.
根据您的要求,您可以使用 NutritionixAPI
获取类型化数据,然后将数据转换为格式字符串。为存储格式字符串的 AutoSuggestBox Itemsource 创建一个新列表。
private async void AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
switch (args.Reason)
case AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason.ProgrammaticChange:
case AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason.SuggestionChosen:
sender.ItemsSource = null;
var query = sender.Text;
var hits = await NutritionixAPI.GetFoods(query);
List<string> items = new List<string>();
foreach (var hit in hits)
string temp = hit.fields.item_name + " Calories: " + hit.fields.nf_serving_size_qty + " Protein: " + hit.fields.nf_serving_size_unit + " Fat: " + hit.fields.item_id;
if (items.Exists(p => p == temp) == false)
var Suggestion = items.Where(p => p.StartsWith(sender.Text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToArray();
sender.ItemsSource = Suggestion;