
How to obtain an entry of a square matrix inside a non square matrix


Set the variable y to be the last diagonal entry of A. Since A may not be square, you will need to determine whether the last diagonal entry of A is $a_{mm}$ or $a_{nn}$.

Set the variable B to be the (square) matrix containing either the first m columns of A (if m is less than n), or the first n rows of A otherwise.

我试过 m(列)和 n(行)的不同组合,例如 A(1:m/n,:)A(:,1:m/n)

我也尝试过使用 X(m/n:m/,1/m/n:m/n).






我希望输出为 1,但我得到 -10,或错误。


A = [2,3,4,6;0,1,-1,-10];          % Define A
[m,n] = size(A);                   % Get the size of A
B = A ( 1:min(n,m), 1:min(n,m) );  % Get the sub array B
d = diag(B);                       % Obtain the diagonal of B
lastEntry = d(end);                % Obtain the last entry of the diagonal

在 MATLAB 中,以下内容也有效(跳过 B 的创建):

A = [2,3,4,6;0,1,-1,-10];          % Define A
d = diag(A);                       % Obtain the diagonal of A
lastEntry = d(end);                % Obtain the last entry of the diagonal


A = [2,3,4,6;0,1,-1,-10];             % Define A
[m,n] = size(A);                      % Get the size of A
lastEntry = A ( min(n,m), min(n,m) ); % Access the relevant element