使用 Google 的文本转语音 API 一次执行多个请求时仅获取最后一个请求的音频

Only getting the audio of the last request when doing multiple requests at once using Google's Text to Speech API


我正在合成大文本,需要使用 API 的字符限制将其拆分。


我正在对 Amazon 的 Polly 进行完全相同的操作,并且可以正常工作。它是完全相同的代码,但具有不同的客户端和不同的请求选项。

所以我觉得这可能是图书馆的事?还是 Google 服务问题?


export const googleSsmlToSpeech = async (
  index: number,
  ssmlPart: string,
  type: SynthesizerType,
  identifier: string,
  synthesizerOptions: GoogleSynthesizerOptions,
  storageUploadPath: string
) => {
  let extension = 'mp3';

  if (synthesizerOptions.audioConfig.audioEncoding === 'OGG_OPUS') {
    extension = 'opus';

  if (synthesizerOptions.audioConfig.audioEncoding === 'LINEAR16') {
    extension = 'wav';

  synthesizerOptions.input.ssml = ssmlPart;

  const tempLocalAudiofilePath = `${appRootPath}/temp/${storageUploadPath}-${index}.${extension}`;

  try {
    // Make sure the path exists, if not, we create it
    await fsExtra.ensureFile(tempLocalAudiofilePath);

      // Performs the Text-to-Speech request
    const [response] = await client.synthesizeSpeech(synthesizerOptions);

    // Write the binary audio content to a local file
    await fsExtra.writeFile(tempLocalAudiofilePath, response.audioContent, 'binary');

    return tempLocalAudiofilePath;
  } catch (err) {
    throw err;
 * Synthesizes the SSML parts into seperate audiofiles
export const googleSsmlPartsToSpeech = async (
  ssmlParts: string[],
  type: SynthesizerType,
  identifier: string,
  synthesizerOptions: GoogleSynthesizerOptions,
  storageUploadPath: string
) => {
  const promises: Promise<string>[] = [];

  ssmlParts.forEach((ssmlPart: string, index: number) => {
    promises.push(googleSsmlToSpeech(index, ssmlPart, type, identifier, synthesizerOptions, storageUploadPath));

  const tempAudioFiles = await Promise.all(promises);

  tempAudioFiles.sort((a: any, b: any) => b - a); // Sort: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 etc...

  return tempAudioFiles;



用一个简单的 for 循环替换 Promise.all,使其工作。但这需要更长的时间,因为它等待每个请求都得到解决。我知道 Promise.all 可以工作,因为我以前让它工作过,并且希望看到它再次工作。

  const tempAudioFiles = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < ssmlParts.length; i++) {
    tempAudioFiles[i] = await googleSsmlToSpeech(i, ssmlParts[i], type, identifier, synthesizerOptions, storageUploadPath);

我似乎无法再使用 Promise.all 让它工作了。

成功了。图书馆做事的方式似乎与我想象的不同。使用 Object.assign 创建 synthesizerOptions 的副本就成功了


ssmlParts.forEach((ssmlPart: string, index: number) => {
  const synthesizerOptionsCopy = Object.assign({}, synthesizerOptions);
  promises.push(googleSsmlToSpeech(index, ssmlPart, type, identifier, synthesizerOptionsCopy, storageUploadPath));
// Inside googleSsmlToSpeech()
const ssmlPartSynthesizerOptions = Object.assign(synthesizerOptions, {
  input: {
    ssml: ssmlPart