
Test that last nested division is a particular element

我想要一个规则来确保 div[@class='extend']/div[@class='check'] 位于 div[@class='chapter'] 的最后。请注意,可能有其他 "extend" 个具有不同嵌套 div 的分区(如 div[@class='extend']/div[@class='video']),其位置预计不会是最后一个。 div[@class='extend']/div[@class='check'] 的嵌套位使我无法编写此规则。



<div class="chapter" id="s1">
    <h1 class="title">18.3</h1>
    <div class="intro" id="s2">
        <p>Some intro text here</p>
    <!--Incorrect position of div class="extend"/div class="check"-->
    <div class="extend" id="s3">
        <div class="check" id="s4">
            <div class="metadata" id="s5">
                <div class="title" id="s6">
                    <p>Check 18.3</p>
            <h1 class="title">Check 18.3</h1>
            <p>This is the Check for Chapter 18.3</p>
    <div class="sect1" id="s7">
        <h1 class="title">Section text here</h1>
        <p>text text text.</p>
        <div class="extend" id="s8">
            <div class="video">
                <div class="metadata" id="s9">
                    <div class="title" id="s10">
                        <p>Video 18.3</p>
                <h1 class="title">Video 18.3</h1>
                <p>This is the Video for Chapter 18.3</p>
        <div class="sect2" id="s11">
            <h1 class="title">Section text here</h1>
            <p>text text text.</p>
    <!--div class="extend"/div class="check" should be here as last div of chapter-->


<pattern id="lastdiv">
        <rule context="xhtml:div[@class='check']">
            <assert test="(ancestor::xhtml:div[@class='chapter']/xhtml:div[@class='extend'])[last()]" role="error">This check (with <value-of select="@id"/>) should be the last extend div within a chapter.</assert>



<pattern id="lastdiv">
    <!-- This rule fires on divs that have a class of "extend" and that have a child div with a class of "check" -->
    <rule context="xhtml:div[@class='extend' and xhtml:div/@class='check']">
    <!-- The assert tests that the div is the last div within its parent -->
        <assert test="position() = last()" role="error">This check (with <value-of select="@id"/>) should be the last extend div within a chapter.</assert>

请注意,此解决方案断言带有 class="extend" 的 div 是 chapter 中的最后一个 child(任何类型)。如果 chapter 可以在 div 之后有其他元素(包括没有 class="extend" 的其他 div 元素),则此断言将无法正常工作。

好的,根据你的评论作为对约书亚回答的回应,我认为 extend/check 应该是章节的真正最后内容(不仅仅是最后一个范围)。


    <pattern id="lastdiv">
        <rule context="xhtml:div[@class = 'extend'][xhtml:div[@class = 'check']]">
            <!-- the current extend div -->
            <let name="extend" value="."/>
            <!-- all elements of the current chapter, except of $extend and its descendantes -->
            <let name="chapterElements" value="ancestor::xhtml:div[@class = 'chapter']//* except ($extend, $extend//*)"/>
            <!-- all $chapterElements which have a larger document position (>>) than the $extend-->
            <let name="followingChapterElements" value="$chapterElements[. >> $extend]"/>
            <!-- If there is a $followingChapterElements, the check fails-->
            <report test="$followingChapterElements" role="error">This check (with <value-of select="@id"/>) should be the last extend div within a chapter.</report>
