
Why is there a borrow error when no borrowing overlap is occurring?

以下 code 因借用错误而失败:

extern crate chrono; // 0.4.6

fn main() {
    let mut now = chrono::Local::today();
    now = std::mem::replace(&mut now, now.succ());


error[E0502]: cannot borrow `now` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
 --> src/lib.rs:5:39
5 |     now = std::mem::replace(&mut now, now.succ());
  |           ----------------- --------  ^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
  |           |                 |
  |           |                 mutable borrow occurs here
  |           mutable borrow later used by call

这里为什么会出现借位错误? now.succ() return 是一个新对象,看起来 succ() 调用应该 return 新对象,在可变借用发生之前结束不可变借用 replace.


/// Same as `std::mem::replace`, but with the reversed parameter order.
pub fn replace<T>(src: T, dest: &mut T) -> T {
    std::mem::replace(dest, src)

fn main() {
    let mut now = chrono::Local::today();
    now = replace(now.succ(), &mut now);

(link to playground)

但是在你的例子中,&mut now先出现,在评估第二个参数时,它已经被借用了。