在 C 中操作链表时如何解决这个段错误问题?

How can I fix this segfault issue when manipulating linked-lists in C?

我一直在研究自引用结构和链表,特别是用于 C 作业。问题是,当我尝试取消引用指向列表头部的指针时,我得到了段错误或 "assignment from incompatible pointer type".

我查看了 this explanation 关于操作链表的内容,并尝试按照他们的示例来取消引用头部,但是当我这样做时我总是遇到段错误。 我也用过onlinegdb调试过,段错误来自:

new_node->next = (*h);
(*h) = new_node;
crawler = (*head_of_list);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


typedef struct Node_s* Ptr_Node; /*Ptr_Node = pointer to struct node_s*/

typedef struct Node_s{
  int data;
  Ptr_Node next;
} Node_t;

typedef Ptr_Node* Head; /*a head = pointer to pointer of node*/


/*Adds integer x in first position of the linked list*/
Head add_to_beginning(Head head_of_list, int x){
  Head h;
  h = head_of_list;
  Ptr_Node new_node;
  new_node = (Ptr_Node) malloc(sizeof(Node_t)); /*casting pointer type*/
  new_node->data = x;
  new_node->next = (*h); /*de-ref head to obtain pointer to first node*/
  (*h) = new_node; /*de-ref head to change what it points to*/
  return h;

void print_list(Head head_of_list){
  Ptr_Node crawler;
  crawler = (*head_of_list); /*points to first cell of list*/
  while(crawler != NULL){
    printf("%d\n", crawler->data );
    crawler = crawler->next;

/*driver for testing*/
int main(void){
  Head h0, h1, h2;
  h0 = NULL;
  h1 = add_to_beginning(h0, 0);
  h2 = add_to_beginning(h1, 1);
  h3 = add_to_beginning(h2, 2);


  return 0;



h0 = NULL;


new_node->next = (*h);
