尝试从 QBO API 获取超过 1000 个客户和发票时出现异常

exception when trying to fetch more than 1 thousand customer(s) and invoice(s) from QBO API

我有 1000 多个客户和发票,我正在尝试将所有这些客户和发票提取到下拉列表中。

QBO 站点上的文档表明,如果我想将所有客户加载到一个网格中,我们应该需要使用分页,但我想要的是将所有客户和发票加载到一个网格中下拉列表。

当我尝试获取超过 1000 个客户和发票时出现以下异常:

Validation Exception was thrown.

Details: QueryValidationError: value 100000 is too large. Max allowed value is 1000.


public static List<Customer> GetAllQBOCustomers(ServiceContext context)
   return Helper.FindAll<Customer>(context, new Customer(),1,100000);

您无法一次下载所有记录。这就是错误告诉你的 - 非常清楚。没有什么神奇的方法可以避免服务器的规则。


一种更加用户友好的实现方式是使用自动完成框而不是下拉列表,在用户输入几个字符后,它可以使用 AJAX 进行搜索API 用于名称或 ID 包含这些字符的客户。然后您每次只需要 return 少量记录,用户将不会因为在 10,000 条记录的列表底部找到客户而不得不滚动 10 分钟。


public static List<Customer> GetAllQBOCustomers(ServiceContext context)
    var list = new List<Customer>();
    for (int i=0; i<=10000; i+= 1000)
        var results = Helper.FindAll<Customer>(context, new Customer(),i, 1000);
    return list;

或者如果您想尝试并行执行(并且 API 允许并发连接):

public static List<Customer> GetAllQBOCustomers(ServiceContext context)
    var bag = new ConcurrentBag<Customer>();
    Parallel.ForEach( Enumerable.Range(0, 10), i =>
        var results = Helper.FindAll<Customer>(context, new Customer(),i * 1000, 1000);
    return bag.ToList();



1. First I get the count of all the customers 
2. Then I get all the customers in chunks and the chunk size is 1000 
3. Create a List for customers. 
4. Define 3 integer type variables for counting. 
5. After that use do-while loop  
6. Add all the customers are added to the main customer list

        string strQuery = "Select Count(*) From Customer";
        string custCount = qboAccess.GetCutomerCount(qboInz.QboServiceContext, strQuery);
        List<qboData.Customer> customers = new List<Customer>();
        int maxSize = 0;
        int position = 1;
        int count = Convert.ToInt32(custCount);
          var custList = qboAccess.GetAllQBOEntityRecords(qboInz.QboServiceContext, new Customer(), position, 1000);
          maxSize += custList.Count();
          position += 1000;
        } while (count > maxSize);