
How to clone a struct storing a boxed trait object?

我编写了一个程序,该程序具有 Animal 特征和实现该特征的结构 Dog。它还有一个结构 AnimalHouse 将动物存储为特征对象 Box<Animal>.

trait Animal {
    fn speak(&self);

struct Dog {
    name: String,

impl Dog {
    fn new(name: &str) -> Dog {
        return Dog {
            name: name.to_string(),

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn speak(&self) {
        println!{"{}: ruff, ruff!", self.name};

struct AnimalHouse {
    animal: Box<Animal>,

fn main() {
    let house = AnimalHouse {
        animal: Box::new(Dog::new("Bobby")),

它 returns "Bobby: ruff, ruff!" 正如预期的那样,但是如果我尝试克隆 house 编译器 returns 错误:

fn main() {
    let house = AnimalHouse {
        animal: Box::new(Dog::new("Bobby")),
    let house2 = house.clone();
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for type `AnimalHouse` in the current scope
  --> src/main.rs:31:24
23 | struct AnimalHouse {
   | ------------------ method `clone` not found for this
31 |     let house2 = house.clone();
   |                        ^^^^^
   = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
   = note: the following trait defines an item `clone`, perhaps you need to implement it:
           candidate #1: `std::clone::Clone`

我试图在 struct AnimalHouse 之前添加 #[derive(Clone)] 并得到另一个错误:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Animal: std::clone::Clone` is not satisfied
  --> src/main.rs:25:5
25 |     animal: Box<Animal>,
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::clone::Clone` is not implemented for `Animal`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `std::clone::Clone` for `std::boxed::Box<Animal>`
   = note: required by `std::clone::Clone::clone`

如何使结构 AnimalHouse 可克隆?一般来说,主动使用特征对象是惯用的 Rust 吗?

有一些问题。首先是没有什么要求 Animal 也实现 Clone。您可以通过更改特征定义来解决此问题:

trait Animal: Clone {
    /* ... */

这会导致 Animal 不再是对象安全的,这意味着 Box<dyn Animal> 将变得无效,所以这不是很好。

可以做的是插入一个额外的步骤。惠特(加上 )。

trait Animal: AnimalClone {
    fn speak(&self);

// Splitting AnimalClone into its own trait allows us to provide a blanket
// implementation for all compatible types, without having to implement the
// rest of Animal.  In this case, we implement it for all types that have
// 'static lifetime (*i.e.* they don't contain non-'static pointers), and
// implement both Animal and Clone.  Don't ask me how the compiler resolves
// implementing AnimalClone for dyn Animal when Animal requires AnimalClone;
// I have *no* idea why this works.
trait AnimalClone {
    fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn Animal>;

impl<T> AnimalClone for T
    T: 'static + Animal + Clone,
    fn clone_box(&self) -> Box<dyn Animal> {

// We can now implement Clone manually by forwarding to clone_box.
impl Clone for Box<dyn Animal> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Box<dyn Animal> {

struct Dog {
    name: String,

impl Dog {
    fn new(name: &str) -> Dog {
        Dog {
            name: name.to_string(),

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn speak(&self) {
        println!("{}: ruff, ruff!", self.name);

struct AnimalHouse {
    animal: Box<dyn Animal>,

fn main() {
    let house = AnimalHouse {
        animal: Box::new(Dog::new("Bobby")),
    let house2 = house.clone();

通过引入 clone_box,我们可以绕过尝试克隆特征对象的问题。

previous answer 正确回答了有关存储盒装特征的问题 object。

关于标题偏离主题,但不是关于使用特征 objects 的惯用方式,替代解决方案可以使用 Rc 智能指针而不是 Box:这避免了绕过 object 安全的解决方法:

struct AnimalHouse {
    animal: Rc<Animal>,

fn main() {
    let house = AnimalHouse { animal: Rc::new(Dog::new("Bobby")) };
    let house2 = house.clone();

注意Rc<T>仅用于single-threaded场景;还有 Arc<T>.

我的dyn-clone crate implements a reusable version of 。有了它,您只需进行最少的更改即可使您的原始代码正常工作。

  • 一行添加 DynClone 作为 Animal 的超级特性,要求每个动物实现都是可克隆的。
  • 一行为 Box<dyn Animal>.
  • 生成标准库 Clone 的实现

// [dependencies]
// dyn-clone = "1.0"

use dyn_clone::{clone_trait_object, DynClone};

trait Animal: DynClone {
    fn speak(&self);


struct Dog {
    name: String,

impl Dog {
    fn new(name: &str) -> Dog {
        Dog { name: name.to_owned() }

impl Animal for Dog {
    fn speak(&self) {
        println!{"{}: ruff, ruff!", self.name};

struct AnimalHouse {
    animal: Box<dyn Animal>,

fn main() {
    let house = AnimalHouse {
        animal: Box::new(Dog::new("Bobby")),
    let house2 = house.clone();

我尝试使用 Dk 和 dtolnay 的解决方案,在这种情况下,我需要一个结构,该结构的成员在生成的任务中带有框(通过 tokio)。在那里我收到结构未发送和同步的错误。为了避免这种情况,可以在 Dk 克隆特征中添加发送和同步。也许这也可以添加到 dyn_clone.