
R seems to ignore part of variable name after underscore

我遇到了一个奇怪的 R 问题。我有一个包含多个变量的数据框。我向包含下划线的此数据框添加一个变量,例如:

allres$tmp_weighted <- allres$day * allres$area

在我这样做之前,R 告诉我变量 allres$tmp 不存在(这是正确的)。但是,在我将 allres$tmp_weighted 添加到数据框并调用 allres$tmp 之后,我得到了 allres$tmp_weighted 的数据。似乎下划线后面的部分对 R 根本无关紧要。我用其他几个变量/名称尝试过它,它总是这样工作


# first check whether variable exists


#define new variable with underscore in variable name
allres_sw$Ndpsw_weighted <- allres_sw$Ndepswcrit * allres_sw$Area

#check again whether variable exists

>   [1]    17.96480   217.50240    44.84415    42.14560     0.00000    43.14444    53.98650     9.81939     0.00000   110.67720

# this is the output that I would expect from "Ndpsw_weighted" - and indeed do get
>   [1]    17.96480   217.50240    44.84415    42.14560     0.00000    43.14444    53.98650     9.81939     0.00000   110.67720

在您的 R 控制台中查看 ?`[`?`$`。如果您查看 extract 函数的 name 参数,它指出在使用 $ 运算符时名称部分匹配(与 `[[` 运算符相反,后者使用精确匹配基于 exact = TRUE 参数的匹配。


A literal character string or a name (possibly backtick quoted). For extraction, this is normally (see under ‘Environments’) partially matched to the names of the object.

只是为了扩展 Wil 的回答... 来自 help('$'):


A literal character string or a name (possibly backtick quoted). For extraction, this is normally (see under ‘Environments’) partially matched to the names of the object.

x$name is equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]]. Also, the partial matching behavior of [[ can be controlled using the exact argument.

Controls possible partial matching of [[ when extracting by a character vector (for most objects, but see under ‘Environments’). The default is no partial matching. Value NA allows partial matching but issues a warning when it occurs. Value FALSE allows partial matching without any warning.

此处的关键词是部分匹配(参见pmatch)。您现在会明白下划线没有什么特别之处 - 您可以将 allres_sw$Ndpsw_weighted 缩写为 allres_sw$Ndp,前提是没有名称比 allres_sw$Ndepswcrit.
