将 DispatchQueue 放在哪里 Swift
Where to Put DispatchQueue Swift
我是新开发者。我正在使用 Swift 4.2 和 Xcode 10.2.
我正在尝试在保存照片时显示微调器。我正在开发者模式中模拟 iPhone 上的慢速连接以对其进行测试。使用微调器下方的代码不会显示。视图会一直显示到按钮显示的末尾,并表示上传已完成(如果未完成)。我尝试将其全部放入 DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userinitiated).async
,然后将按钮显示回主队列。我还尝试将 showSpinner
放在 DispatchQueue.main 上,然后将 savePhoto
放在 .global(qos: .utility)
上。但我显然不了解 GCD 流程。
func savePhoto(image:UIImage) {
// Add a spinner (from the Extensions)
self.showSpinner(onView: self.view)
PhotoService.savePhoto(image: image) { (pct) in
// Can show the loading bar here.
// Stop the spinner
// Show the button.
self.goToPhotosButtonLabel.alpha = 1
self.doneLabel.alpha = 1
我应该使用什么类型的 DispatchQueues,我应该把它们放在哪里?
static func savePhoto(image:UIImage, progressUpdate: @escaping (Double) -> Void) {
// Get data representation of the image
let photoData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality:0.1)
guard photoData != nil else {
print("Couldn't turn the image into data")
// Get a storage reference
let userid = LocalStorageService.loadCurrentUser()?.userId
let filename = UUID().uuidString
let ref = Storage.storage().reference().child("images/\(String(describing: userid))/\(filename).jpg")
// Upload the photo
let uploadTask = ref.putData(photoData!, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in
if error != nil {
// An error during upload occurred
print("There was an error during upload")
else {
// Upload was successful, now create a database entry
self.createPhotoDatabaseEntry(ref: ref, filename: filename)
uploadTask.observe(.progress) { (snapshot) in
let percentage:Double = Double(snapshot.progress!.completedUnitCount /
snapshot.progress!.totalUnitCount) * 100.00
func savePhoto(image:UIImage) {
// Add a spinner (from the Extensions)
self.showSpinner(onView: self.view)
PhotoService.savePhoto(image: image) { (pct) in
// remove spinner when progress is 100.0 = upload complete .
if pct == 100.0 {
// Stop the spinner
// Show the button.
self.goToPhotosButtonLabel.alpha = 1
self.doneLabel.alpha = 1
在这里您不必使用 GCD,因为 firebase 上传在另一个后台线程中运行,因此它不会阻塞主线程
我是新开发者。我正在使用 Swift 4.2 和 Xcode 10.2.
我正在尝试在保存照片时显示微调器。我正在开发者模式中模拟 iPhone 上的慢速连接以对其进行测试。使用微调器下方的代码不会显示。视图会一直显示到按钮显示的末尾,并表示上传已完成(如果未完成)。我尝试将其全部放入 DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userinitiated).async
,然后将按钮显示回主队列。我还尝试将 showSpinner
放在 DispatchQueue.main 上,然后将 savePhoto
放在 .global(qos: .utility)
上。但我显然不了解 GCD 流程。
func savePhoto(image:UIImage) {
// Add a spinner (from the Extensions)
self.showSpinner(onView: self.view)
PhotoService.savePhoto(image: image) { (pct) in
// Can show the loading bar here.
// Stop the spinner
// Show the button.
self.goToPhotosButtonLabel.alpha = 1
self.doneLabel.alpha = 1
我应该使用什么类型的 DispatchQueues,我应该把它们放在哪里?
static func savePhoto(image:UIImage, progressUpdate: @escaping (Double) -> Void) {
// Get data representation of the image
let photoData = image.jpegData(compressionQuality:0.1)
guard photoData != nil else {
print("Couldn't turn the image into data")
// Get a storage reference
let userid = LocalStorageService.loadCurrentUser()?.userId
let filename = UUID().uuidString
let ref = Storage.storage().reference().child("images/\(String(describing: userid))/\(filename).jpg")
// Upload the photo
let uploadTask = ref.putData(photoData!, metadata: nil) { (metadata, error) in
if error != nil {
// An error during upload occurred
print("There was an error during upload")
else {
// Upload was successful, now create a database entry
self.createPhotoDatabaseEntry(ref: ref, filename: filename)
uploadTask.observe(.progress) { (snapshot) in
let percentage:Double = Double(snapshot.progress!.completedUnitCount /
snapshot.progress!.totalUnitCount) * 100.00
func savePhoto(image:UIImage) {
// Add a spinner (from the Extensions)
self.showSpinner(onView: self.view)
PhotoService.savePhoto(image: image) { (pct) in
// remove spinner when progress is 100.0 = upload complete .
if pct == 100.0 {
// Stop the spinner
// Show the button.
self.goToPhotosButtonLabel.alpha = 1
self.doneLabel.alpha = 1
在这里您不必使用 GCD,因为 firebase 上传在另一个后台线程中运行,因此它不会阻塞主线程