
Removing different types of double quotes from string?


Asus VP248QG 24''

BenQ XYZ123456 32"



def monitor_fix(s):
    if ('"' in s):
        return re.sub(r'\s+\d+(?:\.\d+)"\s*$', '', str(s))
    if ("''" in s):
        return re.sub(r"\s+\d+(?:\.\d+)''\s*$", '', str(s))


您可以使用 string[:]

简单地删除最后 4 - 5 个符号
list = ["Asus VP248QG 24''", 'BenQ XYZ123456 32"']

for i in range(len(list)):
    if "''" in list[i]:
        list[i] = list[i][:-5]
    if '"' in list[i]:
         list[i] = list[i][:-4]

假设大小总是用空格分隔开,我们可以简单地删除包含引号的 "word"。奖励点,因为大小也可以在字符串中的任何位置。

products = ["Asus VP248QG 24'' silver", 'BenQ XYZ123456 32"']

for n, product in enumerate(products):

    product_without_size = ""
    for word in product.split(" "):
        if not("''" in word or '"' in word):   # If the current word is not a size,
            product_without_size += word + " " # add it to the product name (else skip it).
    products[n] = product_without_size.rstrip(" ")

print(products) # ['Asus VP248QG silver', 'BenQ XYZ123456']

使用原始 post 的格式,它看起来像这样:

def monitor_fix(product):

    product_without_size = ""
    for word in product.split(" "):
        if not("''" in word or '"' in word):   # If the current word is not a size,
            product_without_size += word + " " # add it to the product name (else skip it).
    return product_without_size.rstrip(" ")