python: 如何从 feature_importances 中获取真实的特征名称

python: How to get real feature name from feature_importances

我正在使用 Python 的 sklearn 随机森林 (ensemble.RandomForestClassifier) 进行分类,并使用 feature_importances_ 为分类器寻找重要特征。现在我的代码是:

for trip in database:
# Counter(trip['POI']) is like Counter({'school':1, 'hospital':1, 'bus station':2}),actually key is the feature

feat_loc_vectorizer = DictVectorizer()
feat_loc_orig_mat = feat_loc_vectorizer.transform(venue_feature_start)

orig_tfidf = TfidfTransformer()
orig_ven_feat = orig_tfidf.fit_transform(feat_loc_orig_mat.tocsr())

# so DictVectorizer() and TfidfTransformer() help me to phrase the features and for each instance, the feature dimension is 580, which means that there are 580 venue types 

data = orig_ven_feat.tocsr()

le = LabelEncoder() 
labels = le.fit_transform(labels_raw)
if "Unlabelled" in labels_raw:
    unlabelled_int = int(le.transform(["Unlabelled"]))
    unlabelled_int = -1

valid_rows_idx = np.where(labels!=unlabelled_int)[0]  
labels = labels[valid_rows_idx]
user_ids = np.asarray(user_ids_raw)
# user_ids is for cross validation, labels is for classification 

clf = ensemble.RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators = 50)
cv_indices = LeavePUsersOut(user_ids[valid_rows_idx], n_folds = 10)                      
data = data[valid_rows_idx,:].toarray()
for train_ind, test_ind in cv_indices:
    train_data = data[train_ind,:]
    test_data = data[test_ind,:]
    labels_train = labels[train_ind]
    labels_test = labels[test_ind]

    print ("Training classifier..."),labels_train)
    importances = clf.feature_importances_

现在的问题是,当我使用 feature_importances 时,我得到一个维度为 580 的数组(与特征维度相同),我想知道前 20 个重要特征(前 20 个重要场馆)

我想至少我应该知道的是 重要性中的 20 个最大数字的索引, 但我不知道:

  1. 如何从 重要性

  2. 中获取前 20 名的指数
  3. 因为我使用了Dictvectorizer和TfidfTransformer所以我不知道如何将索引与真实的场地名称匹配('school','home',......)


feature_importances_ 方法 returns 特征被馈送到算法的顺序的相对重要性数字。因此,为了获得前 20 个功能,您需要将功能从最重要到最不重要排序,例如:

importances = forest.feature_importances_
indices = numpy.argsort(importances)[-20:]


要获得每个特征名称的重要性,只需遍历列名称和 feature_importances 一起(它们相互映射):

for feat, importance in zip(df.columns, clf.feature_importances_):
    print 'feature: {f}, importance: {i}'.format(f=feat, i=importance)