点击鼠标一次重复多次 TASM

Clicking mouse once repeats it many times TASM

我正在处理一个使用鼠标的程序集项目(TASM 和 DOSBox)。 当用户点击屏幕上的某个区域时,会打印出某条消息。

我的问题是,只要按下鼠标按钮(每次单击 3 或 4 次),计算机就会继续打印消息。

我尝试保存最后按下的按钮,并在同一按钮被连续按下两次时阻止打印消息,如下面的代码所示,但它似乎不起作用。我也知道有一种方法可以获取按钮 release 信息,但我似乎也无法让它工作。


MODEL small
STACK 0f500h

    mouse_last_button dw 1  ;holds the value of last mouse button clicked
    mouse_button dw 0       ;holds the value of mouse button clicked
    counter dw ?
    x_clicked dw ?
    y_clicked dw ?
    half_button dw 9
    arr_length dw 76
    clear_x dw 229
    clear_y dw 137


proc setGraphic
    ;sets graphic mode
    mov ax, 13h
    int 10h
endp setGraphic
proc initMouse
    ;initializes mouse
    mov ax, 0
    int 33h ;resets mouse
    mov ax, 1
    int 33h ;shows pointer
endp initMouse
proc initImage
    ;imports keyboard bitmap
    mov [BmpLeft],0
    mov [BmpTop],99
    mov [BmpColSize], 320
    mov [BmpRowSize] ,101
    mov dx,offset SmallPicName
    call OpenShowBmp
endp initImage
proc getMouseClick
    mov ax, [mouse_button] ;stores the value of the last state of the mouse
    mov [mouse_last_button], ax
    mov ax,3
    int 33h ;gets mouse information
    shr cx, 1   ;halves the x position value since the interrupt returns double

    mov [mouse_button],bx   ;saves the click's button, x and y position
    mov [x_clicked],cx  
    mov [y_clicked],dx
endp getMouseClick
proc checkMouseButton
endp checkMouseButton
proc checkXR
    ;check if click is not more than 9 pixels right to the center (of the button)
    mov bx, offset x_arr
    add bx,[counter]
    mov ax,[bx]
    add ax,[half_button]
endp checkXR
proc checkXL
    ;check if click is not more than 9 pixels left to the center
    mov ax,[bx]
    sub ax,[half_button]
endp checkXL
proc checkYT
    ;check if click is not more than 9 pixels above the center
    mov bx, offset y_arr
    add bx,[counter]
    mov ax,[bx]
    sub ax,[half_button]
endp checkYT
proc checkYB
    ;check if click is not more than 9 pixels below the center
    mov ax,[bx]
    add ax,[half_button]
endp checkYB
proc printLetter
    ;prints the character at button that was clicked
    mov bx, offset letter_arr   
    mov ax,[counter]
    shr ax,1    ;halves counter since letter_arr is byte sized and counter is word sized
    add bx,ax
    mov dx, [bx]
    mov ah, 2
    int 21h
endp printLetter

    mov ax,@data
    mov ds,ax

    call setGraphic ;sets graphic mode
    call initMouse ;initializes mouse
    call initImage  ;displays keyboard's image

    mov cx, [arr_length] ;iterates over all of the buttons in the keyboard until one matches a click's location
    mov [counter],cx

    call getMouseClick

    mov ax, [mouse_button]      ;waits for the user to click left mouse button
    cmp ax, 1
    jne doLoop
    cmp ax,[mouse_last_button]  ;if button pressed before is the same as the current one, wait for another press
    je mouseLoop

    call checkXR    ;checks X right
    cmp [x_clicked],ax
    ja searchAgain

    call checkXL    ;checks X left
    cmp [x_clicked],ax
    jb searchAgain

    call checkYT    ;checks Y top
    cmp [y_clicked],ax
    jb searchAgain

    call checkYB    ;checks Y bottom
    cmp [y_clicked],ax
    jb writeLetter

    ;precedes to the next button in the array 
    mov cx,[counter]
    dec [counter]
    cmp cx,0
    jnz mouseLoop
    jmp doLoop

    call printLetter    ;prints the letter found
    call initImage  ;restarts the keyboard image
    mov ax, 1
    int 33h ;shows pointer

    ;starts iterating over arrays again
    mov cx,[arr_length]
    mov [counter],cx
    jmp mouseLoop

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h
END start


    cmp ax,[mouse_last_button]
    jne mouseLoop


我找到了解决办法。 我删除了:

    cmp ax,[mouse_last_button]
    je mouseLoop


    call getMouseClick
    mov ax,[mouse_button]
    cmp ax,0
    jne waitForRelease

writeLetter 之后进入等待用户释放鼠标按钮的循环,然后继续。