在 Lumen 中,如何在中间件期间更改要在路由控制器上调用的方法?

In Lumen, how do I change the method to be called on a route's controller during middleware?

我喜欢 Laravel,但我不喜欢 ORM,我想要更快的速度...所以我使用 Lumen。但是,将我的代码移植到 Lumen 后,我发现我可以使用中间件进行一些更改...

我喜欢使用中间件通过更改将根据请求调用的控制器方法来使我的 ajax 请求更多 "restful"。这是我在 Laravel 5:

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    if($request->ajax() && $request->input("ajax")){

       // Controller methods like: ajaxEdit, ajaxUpdate, ajaxDelete...
       $ajaxMethod = "ajax".studly_case($request->input("ajax"));

       // Get the route's action
       $routeAction = $request->route()->getAction();

       // Replace index method call with ajax method
       $routeAction['uses'] = str_replace("@index", "@".$ajaxMethod, $routeAction['uses']);
       $routeAction['controller'] = str_replace("@index", "@".$ajaxMethod, $routeAction['controller']);

       // Update the route's action

    // Now controller->ajaxWhatever will be called instead of controller->index
    return $next($request);

我注意到 getActionsetAction 在 Lumen 中不可用。我怎样才能在 Lumen 中完成类似的事情?

现在(因为这个功能似乎是 on the road map to being added),我只是在我的路由文件的顶部处理它:


// ***** Pre-routing logic

// Convert all ajax calls with a request parameter "ajax" 
// to a corresponding controller's ajax method.
// For example, if request parameter "?ajax=edit" then 
// call method SomeController@ajaxEdit.
$indexAjax = "index";
$request = $app['request'];
if($request->ajax() && $request->input("ajax")){
    $indexAjax = "ajax".studly_case($request->input("ajax"));

// ***** Routes

$app->group(['namespace'=>'App\Http\Controllers\AdminPanel', 'prefix'=>'admin'], function($app) use ($indexAjax)
    $app->get('login/', ['as' => 'admin-login', 'uses' => 'Login\LoginController@'.$indexAjax]);

$app->group(['namespace'=>'App\Http\Controllers\AdminPanel', 'middleware'=>['auth'], 'prefix'=>'admin'], function($app) use ($indexAjax)
    $app->get('users/', ['as' => 'admin-users', 'uses' => 'Admin\UsersController@'.$indexAjax]);
    $app->get('logout/', ['as' => 'admin-logout', 'uses' => 'Login\LoginController@logout']);