
Im having trouble registering an Event Handler

我在注册事件处理程序时遇到问题,该事件处理程序应该计算用户输入的餐费总额、他们想要的小费 % 和销售税。我不断收到一条错误消息,内容为 "missing method body, or declare abstract"。似乎没有语法错误,所以我不太确定问题出在哪里。


public class TipTaxTotal extends Application
    private TextField mealCostTextField;
    private TextField tipPercentageTextField;
    private TextField salesTaxTextField;
    private Label totalLabel;

    public static void main (String[] args)


    public void start (Stage primaryStage)
    //Meal cost, Tip percentage, and Sales tax labels & TextFields

        Label mealCostLabel = new Label ("Enter the cost of your meal");

        mealCostTextField = new TextField ();

        Label tipPercentageLabel = new Label ("Enter the desired tip percentage");

                tipPercentageTextField = new TextField ();

        Label salesTaxLabel = new Label ("Enter the sales tax percentage");

                salesTaxTextField = new TextField ();

        //This button will perform the calculation
        Button calcButton = new Button("Calculate");

        //Register the event handler
        calcButton.setOnAction(new CalcButtonHandler());

        //This label will display the total
        totalLabel = new Label ();

        //Put all the Labels and Text Fields in the Hbox spaced by 10 px
        HBox hbox = new HBox(10, mealCostLabel, mealCostTextField,
                tipPercentageLabel, tipPercentageTextField, salesTaxLabel,

        //Put Hbox, CalcButton, and total Label in the Vbox
        VBox vbox = new VBox(10, hbox, calcButton, totalLabel);

        //align vbox to the center of the stage

        //set vbox padding to 10 px
        vbox.setPadding(new Insets(10));

        //create a scene
        Scene scene = new Scene(vbox);

        //add the scene to the stage

        //give the stage a title
        primaryStage.setTitle("Tip% and Sales Tax Calculator");


    //This is where my trouble is
    //event handler
    class CalcButtonHandler implements EventHandler<ActionEvent>

        public void handle(ActionEvent event);
            //get the meal cost, tip percentage, and sales tax

            double MealCost =

            double TipPercentage =

            double SalesTax =
            double totalTaxes = SalesTax + TipPercentage;
            double total = MealCost * totalTaxes;

            //display total

            totalLabel.setText(String.format("Total: $%,.2f ", total));

calcButton 应该得到用户用餐的总费用、用户想要的小费和用户的销售税。
