
Constructing a data model for Time Periods

我正在构建一个应用程序,提供类似于遛狗的服务。遛狗的人可以上传可以遛狗的日期和时间。我没有让他们选择像 1 月 1 日星期一这样的实际日期,而是让他们选择一周中的任何几天以及他们有空的任何时间。


照片中的是一个带有单元格的 collectionView,在每个单元格中我都显示了他们可以选择的可用日期和时间段。一周中的每一天都有相同的 7 个时间段,想要成为遛狗者的用户可以从中选择。

问题是,如果有人选择 Sun 6am-9am、12pm-3pm 和 6pm-9pm,但他们也选择 Mon 6am-9m,我如何构建可以区分日期和时间的数据模型。例如星期天早上 6 点到 9 点和星期一早上 6 点到 9 点,如何区分?这些时间段应该是双打还是字符串?

这是我目前用于 collectionView 数据源和单元格的内容:

// the collectionView's data source
var tableData = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]

let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: availabilityCell, for: indexPath) as! AvailabilityCell

cell.dayOfWeek = tableData[indexPath.item]

// inside the AvailabilityCell itself
var dayOfWeek: String? {
    didSet {

        dayOfWeekLabel.text = dayOfWeek

func clearCellForReuse() {

    dayOfWeekLabel.text = nil
    // deselect whatever radio buttons were selected to prevent scrolling issues

进一步解释一下最终会发生什么,当想要遛狗的用户滚动查看谁有空时,如果他们滚动的日期和时间不在该人的任何日期和时间上谁 posted(周日和周一,选择的时间)不可用,那么他们的 post 不应该出现在提要中,但如果是那些日子之一和那些时间之一,那么他们的post 将出现在提要中(在示例中,如果某人在周日晚上 10 点滚动,则不应出现此 post)。数据模型中的任何内容都将与 post 当前滚动的任何日期和时间进行比较。我在后端使用 Firebase。


class Availability {

    var monday: String?
    var tuesday: String?
    var wednesday: String?
    var thursday: String?
    var friday: String?
    var saturday: String?
    var sunday: String?

    var slotOne: Double? // sunday 6am-9am I was thinking about putting military hours  here that's why I used a double
    var slotTwo: Double? // sunday 9am-12pm
    var slotTwo: Double? // sunday 12pm-3pm
    // these slots would continue all through saturday and this doesn't seem like the correct way to do this. There would be 49 slots in total (7 days of the week * 7 different  slots per day)

我也考虑过将它们分成不同的数据模型,例如星期一 class、星期二 class 等,但这似乎也行不通,因为它们都必须是相同的数据collectionView 数据源的类型。

更新 在@rob 的回答中,他给了我一些见解,让我可以对我的代码进行一些更改。我还在消化它,但我仍然有几个问题。他做了一个cool project that shows his idea.

1- 由于我将数据保存到 Firebase 数据库,数据应该如何结构化才能保存?可以有多个时间相似的日子。

2- 我仍然在思考 rob 的代码,因为我以前从未处理过时间范围,所以这对我来说很陌生。我仍然不知道要根据什么进行排序,尤其是回调内部的时间范围

// someone is looking for a dog walker on Sunday at 10pm so the initial user who posted their post shouldn't appear in the feed

let postsRef = Database().database.reference().child("posts")

postsRef.observe( .value, with: { (snapshot) in

    guard let availabilityDict = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else { return }

    let availability = Availability(dictionary: availabilityDict)

    let currentDayOfWeek = dayOfTheWeek()

    // using rob;s code this compares the days and it 100% works
    if currentDayOfWeek != availability.dayOfWeek.text {

        // don't add this post to the array

    let currentTime = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour,.minute,.second], from: Date())

    // how to compare the time slots to the current time?
    if currentTime != availability.??? {
        // don't add this post to the array

    // if it makes this far then the day and the time slots match up to append it to the array to get scrolled

func dayOfTheWeek() -> String? {        
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "EEEE"
    return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(self)


struct Availability {
    let dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek
    let timeRange: TimeRange


enum DayOfWeek: String, CaseIterable {
    case sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday


enum DayOfWeek: Int, CaseIterable {
    case sunday = 0, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday

它们是 IntString 的优缺点。在基于 Web 的 Firestore UI 中,字符串表示形式更易于阅读。整数表示提供了更容易的排序潜力。


typealias Time = Double
typealias TimeRange = Range<Time>

extension TimeRange {
    static let allCases: [TimeRange] = [
        6 ..< 9,
        9 ..< 12,
        12 ..< 15,
        15 ..< 18,
        18 ..< 21,
        21 ..< 24,
        24 ..< 30

在与 Firebase 交互方面,它不理解枚举和范围,所以我定义了一个 init 方法和 dictionary 属性 来映射到 [String: Any] 可以与 Firebase 交换的词典:

struct Availability {
    let dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek
    let timeRange: TimeRange

    init(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek, timeRange: TimeRange) {
        self.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek
        self.timeRange = timeRange

    init?(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
            let dayOfWeekRaw = dictionary["dayOfWeek"] as? DayOfWeek.RawValue,
            let dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek(rawValue: dayOfWeekRaw),
            let startTime = dictionary["startTime"] as? Double,
            let endTime = dictionary["endTime"] as? Double
        else {
            return nil

        self.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek
        self.timeRange = startTime ..< endTime

    var dictionary: [String: Any] {
        return [
            "dayOfWeek": dayOfWeek.rawValue,
            "startTime": timeRange.lowerBound,
            "endTime": timeRange.upperBound


extension Availability {
    func overlaps(_ availability: Availability) -> Bool {
        return dayOfWeek == availability.dayOfWeek && timeRange.overlaps(availability.timeRange)

extension TimeRange {
    private func string(forHour hour: Int) -> String {
        switch hour % 24 {
        case 0:      return NSLocalizedString("Midnight", comment: "Hour text")
        case 1...11: return "\(hour % 12)" + NSLocalizedString("am", comment: "Hour text")
        case 12:     return NSLocalizedString("Noon", comment: "Hour text")
        default:     return "\(hour % 12)" + NSLocalizedString("pm", comment: "Hour text")

    var text: String {
        return string(forHour: Int(lowerBound)) + "-" + string(forHour: Int(upperBound))

extension DayOfWeek {
    var text: String {
        switch self {
        case .sunday:    return NSLocalizedString("Sunday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .monday:    return NSLocalizedString("Monday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .tuesday:   return NSLocalizedString("Tuesday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .wednesday: return NSLocalizedString("Wednesday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .thursday:  return NSLocalizedString("Thursday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .friday:    return NSLocalizedString("Friday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .saturday:  return NSLocalizedString("Saturday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")


enum DayOfWeek: String, CaseIterable {
    case sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday

extension DayOfWeek {
    var text: String {
        switch self {
        case .sunday:    return NSLocalizedString("Sunday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .monday:    return NSLocalizedString("Monday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .tuesday:   return NSLocalizedString("Tuesday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .wednesday: return NSLocalizedString("Wednesday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .thursday:  return NSLocalizedString("Thursday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .friday:    return NSLocalizedString("Friday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")
        case .saturday:  return NSLocalizedString("Saturday", comment: "DayOfWeek text")

struct TimeRange {
    typealias Time = Double

    let startTime: Time
    let endTime: Time

extension TimeRange {
    static let allCases: [TimeRange] = [
        TimeRange(startTime: 6, endTime: 9),
        TimeRange(startTime: 9, endTime: 12),
        TimeRange(startTime: 12, endTime: 15),
        TimeRange(startTime: 15, endTime: 18),
        TimeRange(startTime: 18, endTime: 21),
        TimeRange(startTime: 21, endTime: 24),
        TimeRange(startTime: 24, endTime: 30)

    func overlaps(_ availability: TimeRange) -> Bool {
        return (startTime ..< endTime).overlaps(availability.startTime ..< availability.endTime)

extension TimeRange {
    private func string(forHour hour: Int) -> String {
        switch hour % 24 {
        case 0:      return NSLocalizedString("Midnight", comment: "Hour text")
        case 1...11: return "\(hour % 12)" + NSLocalizedString("am", comment: "Hour text")
        case 12:     return NSLocalizedString("Noon", comment: "Hour text")
        default:     return "\(hour % 12)" + NSLocalizedString("pm", comment: "Hour text")

    var text: String {
        return string(forHour: Int(startTime)) + "-" + string(forHour: Int(endTime))

struct Availability {
    let dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek
    let timeRange: TimeRange

    init(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek, timeRange: TimeRange) {
        self.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek
        self.timeRange = timeRange

    init?(dictionary: [String: Any]) {
            let dayOfWeekRaw = dictionary["dayOfWeek"] as? DayOfWeek.RawValue,
            let dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek(rawValue: dayOfWeekRaw),
            let startTime = dictionary["startTime"] as? Double,
            let endTime = dictionary["endTime"] as? Double
        else {
            return nil

        self.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek
        self.timeRange = TimeRange(startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime)

    var dictionary: [String: Any] {
        return [
            "dayOfWeek": dayOfWeek.rawValue,
            "startTime": timeRange.startTime,
            "endTime": timeRange.endTime

extension Availability {
    func overlaps(_ availability: Availability) -> Bool {
        return dayOfWeek == availability.dayOfWeek && timeRange.overlaps(availability.timeRange)