如何使用@RabbitListener 优雅地停止消费消息

How to gracefully stop consuming messages with @RabbitListener

有没有办法优雅地停止 ListenerContainer 及其关联的 Consumers


  1. 停止消费消息。
  2. 优雅地停下来ListenerContainer.
  3. 等待很长时间 运行 消费者,完成后确认。

我可以使用 consumer.stop() 停止 ListenerContainers,但是活跃的 long 运行 消费者不会成功完成,处理的消息不会被确认,因此一旦 ListenerContainer 恢复,将再次处理。


Waiting for workers to finish.
Workers not finished.
Closing channel for unresponsive consumer: Consumer@6d229b1c


我也许可以使用 setForceCloseChannel(false) 实现正常关闭,但是是否可以验证取消的消费者是否已完成? SimpleMessageListenerContainer.doShutDown() 有一个局部作用域列表 "canceledConsumers".


参见Message Listener Container Configuration


When a container shuts down (for example, if its enclosing ApplicationContext is closed), it waits for in-flight messages to be processed up to this limit. Defaults to five seconds.

 * The time to wait for workers in milliseconds after the container is stopped. If any
 * workers are active when the shutdown signal comes they will be allowed to finish
 * processing as long as they can finish within this timeout. Defaults
 * to 5 seconds.
 * @param shutdownTimeout the shutdown timeout to set
public void setShutdownTimeout(long shutdownTimeout) {

要完成@user634545 的最后评论,我们必须处理 2 个属性:


prefetchCount < (shutdownTimeout / consumerExecutionTimePerMessage)
