如何在 Elasticsearch 中与过滤器和 must_not 一起编写至少 N 项查询?

How to write an at-least-N-terms query together with filter and must_not in Elasticsearch?


  1. 作者 == "tom"
  2. 状态 != "deleted"
  3. f1-f4 字段中至少有两个 匹配给定值




上面我 post 的查询实际上是正确的,但是我的 es 提供者安装了一个有缺陷的自定义插件执行 "query optimization" 导致所有 "minimum_should_match" 被忽略。如果你遇到同样的问题,找不到任何线索,也许你应该检查一下你是否安装了可疑的插件

您的查询是正确的,您只需删除 "adjust_pure_negative" 标志或将其更改为 false。

简而言之,elastic 将 "ignore" 您的所有查询,并且在标志设置为 true 的情况下仅使用 must_not 进行过滤。 source

您也可以删除 boost:1,因为默认值为 1,这使它变得多余。


    await client.index({index: 'test', id: 5, type: 'test', body: {author: "george", status: "deleted", f1: "v1", f2: "v2"}});
    await client.index({index: 'test', id: 6, type: 'test', body: {author: "george", status: "x", f1: "v1",}});
    await client.index({index: 'test', id: 7, type: 'test', body: {author: "george", status: "u", f1: "v1", f2: "v2"}});
    await client.index({index: 'test', id: 8, type: 'test', body: {author: "george", status: "q", f1: "v1", f4: "v4"}});
    await client.index({index: 'test', id: 9, type: 'test', body: {author: "george", status: "1", f3: "v3"}});
    let x = await client.search({
        index: 'test',

结果: 2 次符合预期:

    "_index": "test",
    "_type": "test",
    "_id": "7",
    "_score": 0.5753642,
    "_source": {
      "author": "george",
      "status": "u",
      "f1": "v1",
      "f2": "v2"
    "_index": "test",
    "_type": "test",
    "_id": "8",
    "_score": 0.47000366,
    "_source": {
      "author": "george",
      "status": "q",
      "f1": "v1",
      "f4": "v4"