如何使用 µPickle 序列化通用案例 类?

How to serialize generic case classes with µPickle?

µPickle docs 说通用案例 类 可以序列化:

Out of the box, uPickle supports writing and reading the following types:

  • Stand-alone case classes and case objects, and their generic equivalents,


import upickle.default._

object Container {
  implicit def rw[T]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW
case class Container[T](value: T)

object Main extends App {
  val c = new Container(0)

  val cString = write(c)
  println("c " + cString)


Error:(7, 50) could not find implicit value for parameter e:


implicit def rw[T]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW

如何使用 µPickle 序列化一般案例 类?


implicit def rw[T: ReadWriter]: ReadWriter[Container[T]] = macroRW