SuiteCrm 电子邮件通知重复

SuiteCrm Email Notifications Duplicating

我在 suitecrm 中创建了一个模块,允许用户创建或查看 nc 案例。创建 nc 案例时,会向分配给此变量 $rev_email 的人发送电子邮件通知,但是当发送电子邮件时,它会在该人的收件箱中重复,而管理员应该只收到一次。

function createCaseEmail(&$email,$rev_email,$subject,$bean,$xtpl){
        /* Set Email Subject */

    /* Get NC Case Number */
    $case_number = $bean ->case_number;
    $xtpl->assign('Case_Number', $case_number );

    /* Get NC Subject */
    $xtpl->assign('Case_Subject', $bean->name);

    /* Get Case Description */
    $xtpl->assign('Case_Desc', $bean->description_c);

    /* Create email message using email template and data above */
    $email->Body = from_html($xtpl->text('main'));

    return $email;
class cases_email_notification
function send_notification($bean, $event, $arguments)

    /*Get sugar email engine*/

    $email = new SugarPHPMailer();
    $email->From = '';
    $email->FromName ='SuiteCRM';

    $rev_email = '';

    /* Get sugar template engine */
    $xtpl = new XTemplate("XTemplate/CasesEmailTemplate.html");

        /*GEt the URL for the NC Case */
        $url =  $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url'].'index.php?module=Cases&action=DetailView&record='.$bean->id; 
        $xtpl -> assign('URL', $url);

        /* Get Case ID */
        $id = $bean->getFieldValue('id');


            $email=createCaseEmail($email,$rev_email,'New Case Email Notification',$bean,$xtpl);                

            /* Send email to Production Department */
        //Send email

            $GLOBALS['log']->info("Could not send notification email: ". $email->ErrorInfo);


before_save 挂钩中的复制问题很常见。我们希望逻辑钩子第一次到 运行。为了确保这一点,我们可以使用一个名为 $already_ran 的静态变量。

class cases_email_notification
  static $already_ran = false;

  function send_notification($bean, $event, $arguments)
        $GLOBALS['log']->info("send_notification start!"
        if(self::$already_ran == true) return;
        self::$already_ran = true;

        /*Get sugar email engine*/
        $email = new SugarPHPMailer();
        $email->From = '';
        $email->FromName ='SuiteCRM';
        /* Set Email Subject */
        $email->Body = ''; 
        /* Send email to Production Department */

            $GLOBALS['log']->info("Could not send notification email: ". $email->ErrorInfo);
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['log']->info("I send notification email!!!"