使用代理将路由添加到路由 table
Adding route into routing table using agent
使用 UnetStack 的水下路由协议(多跳通信)。在计划路由协议中,每个节点都必须 select 从许多可用的邻居中跳出它的下一跳。在深入了解下一跳算法的 selection 之前,我想看看如何使用我安装的 UnetStack.For 在路由 table 中配置 selected 下一跳5个节点。节点 1 和 5 分别是目的节点和源节点。节点 5 的邻居是节点 3 和邻居 3 和 4 的 4.Out,我想 select 节点 3 作为节点 5 的下一跳到达目的地。
我无法将节点 3 添加为节点 5 的下一跳。如果您提供一些关于此的输入,这将很有帮助。
channel.soundSpeed = 1500.mps // c
channel.communicationRange = 100.m // Rc
// run the simulation infinately
simulate {
// Destination node
node '1', remote: 1101, address: 1, location: [ 0.m, 0.m, 0.m], shell: true, stack: { container ->
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
node '2', remote: 1102, address: 2, location: [ 0.m, 0.m, -75.m], shell: 5102, stack: { container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
// neighbor node for node 5, and will be a next node for node 5 during routing
node '3', remote: 1103, address: 3, location: [0.m, 0.m, -90.m], shell: 5103, stack: { container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router(); container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
//Neighbor node for node 5 ,but not a next node for node 5
node '4', remote: 1104, address: 4, location: [0.m, 0.m, -150.m], shell: 5104, stack: {container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
// Source node
node '5', remote: 1105, address: 5, location: [0.m, 0.m, -160.m], shell: 5105, stack: {container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
class new_routing_agent extends UnetAgent {
def router;
int addr;
void startup()
def phy = agentForService Services.PHYSICAL;
subscribe topic(phy);
router = agentForService Services.ROUTING;
subscribe topic(router);
def nodeInfo = agentForService Services.NODE_INFO;
addr = nodeInfo.address; // obtain the address of the node
def rdp = agentForService org.arl.unet.Services.ROUTE_MAINTENANCE
def rsp = rdp << new RouteDiscoveryReq(1) // discover routes to node 1
void processMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof RouteDiscoveryNtf )
if (addr == 5)
addroute 1, 3 ;
else if (addr == 4)
addroute 1, 2;
addroute 1,1;
} //End of if
} //End of processMessage
} // End of class
如果您打算填充自己的路线,则 Router
代理就是您所需要的。要添加路由,请向路由器代理发送 RouteDiscoveryNtf
。这就是 addroute
命令的作用,但这只适用于 shell(不适用于代理)。
这个简单的示例代码展示了如何实现您自己的 addroute()
void addroute(int to, int via) {
def router = agentForService Services.ROUTING
router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: to, nextHop: via)
我们计划在以下领域进行最后一年的项目 使用 UnetStack 的水下路由协议(多跳通信)。在计划路由协议中,每个节点都必须 select 从许多可用的邻居中跳出它的下一跳。在深入了解下一跳算法的 selection 之前,我想看看如何使用我安装的 UnetStack.For 在路由 table 中配置 selected 下一跳5个节点。节点 1 和 5 分别是目的节点和源节点。节点 5 的邻居是节点 3 和邻居 3 和 4 的 4.Out,我想 select 节点 3 作为节点 5 的下一跳到达目的地。 我无法将节点 3 添加为节点 5 的下一跳。如果您提供一些关于此的输入,这将很有帮助。
channel.soundSpeed = 1500.mps // c
channel.communicationRange = 100.m // Rc
// run the simulation infinately
simulate {
// Destination node
node '1', remote: 1101, address: 1, location: [ 0.m, 0.m, 0.m], shell: true, stack: { container ->
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
node '2', remote: 1102, address: 2, location: [ 0.m, 0.m, -75.m], shell: 5102, stack: { container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
// neighbor node for node 5, and will be a next node for node 5 during routing
node '3', remote: 1103, address: 3, location: [0.m, 0.m, -90.m], shell: 5103, stack: { container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router(); container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
//Neighbor node for node 5 ,but not a next node for node 5
node '4', remote: 1104, address: 4, location: [0.m, 0.m, -150.m], shell: 5104, stack: {container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
// Source node
node '5', remote: 1105, address: 5, location: [0.m, 0.m, -160.m], shell: 5105, stack: {container ->
container.add 'new_routing_agent', new new_routing_agent();
container.add 'routing', new org.arl.unet.net.Router();
container.add 'rdp', new org.arl.unet.net.RouteDiscoveryProtocol();
class new_routing_agent extends UnetAgent {
def router;
int addr;
void startup()
def phy = agentForService Services.PHYSICAL;
subscribe topic(phy);
router = agentForService Services.ROUTING;
subscribe topic(router);
def nodeInfo = agentForService Services.NODE_INFO;
addr = nodeInfo.address; // obtain the address of the node
def rdp = agentForService org.arl.unet.Services.ROUTE_MAINTENANCE
def rsp = rdp << new RouteDiscoveryReq(1) // discover routes to node 1
void processMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof RouteDiscoveryNtf )
if (addr == 5)
addroute 1, 3 ;
else if (addr == 4)
addroute 1, 2;
addroute 1,1;
} //End of if
} //End of processMessage
} // End of class
如果您打算填充自己的路线,则 Router
代理就是您所需要的。要添加路由,请向路由器代理发送 RouteDiscoveryNtf
。这就是 addroute
命令的作用,但这只适用于 shell(不适用于代理)。
这个简单的示例代码展示了如何实现您自己的 addroute()
void addroute(int to, int via) {
def router = agentForService Services.ROUTING
router.send new RouteDiscoveryNtf(to: to, nextHop: via)