在将图像上传到 s3 之前,我必须先下载图像吗?

Do I have to download an image before upload it to s3?

我有 Rails 个带有嵌入图像的应用程序。我想要的是将这些图像上传到 s3 并从那里提供主题而不是形成原始来源我是否必须在将 img 上传到我的服务器之前将其下载到我的服务器?

简短回答:如果您正在抓取某人的内容,那么...是的,您需要在上传到 S3 之前将文件下载下来。

长答案:如果其他站点(原始来源)正在与您合作,您可以给他们一个预签名 URL,他们可以使用它来上传到您的 S3 存储桶。


#Uploading an object using a presigned URL for SDK for Ruby - Version 3.

require 'aws-sdk-s3'
require 'net/http'

s3 = Aws::S3::Resource.new(region:'us-west-2')

obj = s3.bucket('BucketName').object('KeyName')
# Replace BucketName with the name of your bucket.
# Replace KeyName with the name of the object you are creating or replacing.

url = URI.parse(obj.presigned_url(:put))

body = "Hello World!"
# This is the contents of your object. In this case, it's a simple string.

Net::HTTP.start(url.host) do |http|
  http.send_request("PUT", url.request_uri, body, {
# This is required, or Net::HTTP will add a default unsigned content-type.
    "content-type" => "",

puts obj.get.body.read
# This will print out the contents of your object to the terminal window.