如何在 str_replace_all 和 hunspell_suggest 上使用 lapply 来替换所有拼写错误的单词?

How to using lapply on str_replace_all and hunspell_suggest to replace all misspelled words?

我正在尝试弄清楚如何将 str_replace_allhunspell_suggest 合并到 lapply 中。这是我目前的情况:


df1 <- data.frame("Index" = 1:7, "Text" = c("Brad came to dinner with us tonigh.",
                                            "Wuld you like to trave with me?",
                                            "There is so muh to undestand.",
                                            "Sentences cone in many shaes and sizes.",
                                            "Learnin R is fun",
                                            "yesterday was Friday",
                                            "bing search engine"))


df1$Text <- as.character(df1$Text)
df1$word_check <- hunspell(df1$Text)

但是,在使用 hunspell_suggest


我尝试了以下代码,但它只能执行 1 行,并且只能处理具有 1 个拼写错误单词的行:

df1$replace <- str_replace_all(df1$Text, df1$word_check[[1]], hunspell_suggest(df1$word_check[[1]])[[1]][1])

我不确定如何将 lapply 合并到上面的代码中,以使用基于 hunspell_suggest 的第一个建议有效地替换所有拼写错误的单词,并保留那些正确的单词。


这是使用 DataCombine 包的一种解决方案:


# vector of words to replace
wrong <- unlist(hunspell(df1$Text))
# vector of the first suggested words
correct <- sapply(wrong, function(x) hunspell_suggest(x)[[1]][1])

Replaces <- data.frame(from = wrong, to = correct)

FindReplace(data = df1, Var = "Text", replaceData = Replaces,
                       from = "from", to = "to", exact = FALSE)

#Index                                   Text
#1     1   Brad came to dinner with us tonight.
#2     2        Wald you like to trace with me?
#3     3         There is so hum to understand.
#4     4 Sentences cone in many shes and sizes.
#5     5                      Learning R is fun
#6     6                   yesterday was Friday
#7     7                     bung search engine

虽然这个案子现在已经解决了,但让我给你留下另一个选择。您尝试使用 str_replace_all()。我改用 stri_replace_all_fixed() 。第一步是识别坏词并将它们存储在 badwords 中。第二步是使用 sapply() 中的 hunspell_suggest() 为每个单词提取第一个建议,并将它们存储在 suggestions 中。最后,我在 stri_replace_all_fixed().


df1 <- data.frame("Index" = 1:7, "Text" = c("Brad came to dinner with us tonigh.",
                                            "Wuld you like to trave with me?",
                                            "There is so muh to undestand.",
                                            "Sentences cone in many shaes and sizes.",
                                            "Learnin R is fun",
                                            "yesterday was Friday",
                                            "bing search engine"),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Get bad words.
badwords <- hunspell(df1$Text) %>% unlist

# Extract the first suggestion for each bad word.
suggestions <- sapply(hunspell_suggest(badwords), "[[", 1)

mutate(df1, Text = stri_replace_all_fixed(str = Text,
                                          pattern = badwords,
                                          replacement = suggestions,
                                          vectorize_all = FALSE)) -> out

#  Index                                   Text
#1     1   Brad came to dinner with us tonight.
#2     2        Wald you like to trace with me?
#3     3         There is so hum to understand.
#4     4 Sentences cone in many shes and sizes.
#5     5                      Learning R is fun
#6     6                   yesterday was Friday
#7     7                     bung search engine