C++ template code generation Error: use of 'some_variable' before deduction of 'auto'

C++ template code generation Error: use of 'some_variable' before deduction of 'auto'

我 运行 遇到了这个特定代码的一些问题。该问题很可能与存储在 元组 中的 指向 Harry 类型成员的指针和 vector with Harrytype 变量,因为所有其他更简单的变体都可以工作。

我用 g++ 得到的错误:

main.cpp: In instantiation of 'abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]::<lambda(const auto:1&)> [with auto:1 = int Harry::*]':

main.cpp:10:13:   required from 'void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<T ...>&, F) [with long unsigned int i = 0; long unsigned int size = 2; F = abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]::<lambda(const auto:1&)>; T = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]'

main.cpp:17:82:   required from 'void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&, F) [with F = abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]::<lambda(const auto:1&)>; T = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]'

main.cpp:29:32:   required from 'void abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]'

main.cpp:56:27:   required from here

main.cpp:31:82: error: use of 'a' before deduction of 'auto'

             if constexpr(std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(a.*x)>::type>::value)


main.cpp:33:30: error: invalid type argument of unary '*' (have 'int')

                 std::cout << *(a.*x) << std::endl;


main.cpp:6:6: error: 'void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<T ...>&, F) [with long unsigned int i = 1; long unsigned int size = 2; F = abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]::<lambda(const auto:1&)>; T = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]', declared using local type 'abra(const std::vector<A>&, const std::tuple<_Elements ...>&) [with A = Harry; B = {int Harry::*, int* Harry::*}]::<lambda(const auto:1&)>', is used but never defined [-fpermissive]

 void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<T...>& tuple, F func)



#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

template<size_t i, size_t size, typename F, typename... T>
void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<T...>& tuple, F func)
    if constexpr(i<size)
        tuple_foreach_constexpr<i+1, size, F, T...>(tuple, func);
template<typename F, typename... T>
void tuple_foreach_constexpr(const std::tuple<T...>& tuple, F func)
    tuple_foreach_constexpr<0, std::tuple_size<std::tuple<T...>>::value, F, T...>(tuple, func);

template<typename A, typename... B>
void abra
    const std::vector<A>& a_vector,
    const std::tuple<B...>& b_tuple
    for(const auto& a : a_vector)
        tuple_foreach_constexpr(b_tuple, [&a](const auto &x)
            if constexpr(std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(a.*x)>::type>::value)
                std::cout << *(a.*x) << std::endl;
                std::cout << a.*x << std::endl;
            } // this does NOT work

            //std::cout << a.*x << std::endl; // this does work

struct Harry
    int a;
    int* b;

int main()
    int m = 20;
    std::vector<Harry> h_vector = {Harry{10, &m}};
    std::tuple t_tuple = std::make_tuple(&Harry::a, &Harry::b);

    abra(h_vector, t_tuple);



It would be very nice if someone had some tips on how to solve this.

首先:我用 g++ 重现了你的错误,但我的 clang++ (7.0.1) 编译你的代码没有问题。

谁说得对? g++ 还是 clang++?

我不是语言律师,我不确定,但我怀疑这是一个 g++ 错误。

g++ 是什么意思?


for(const auto& a : a_vector)
    tuple_foreach_constexpr(b_tuple, [&a](const auto &x)
        if constexpr(std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(a.*x)>::type>::value)
            std::cout << *(a.*x) << std::endl;
            std::cout << a.*x << std::endl;
        } // this does NOT work

        //std::cout << a.*x << std::endl; // this does work

a 变量,即 auto 变量 (const auto& a : a_vector),因此它的类型必须由编译器推导,在 lambda 函数中捕获,使用 ( decltype(a.*x)) 在扣除类型之前。

无论如何,问题的解决很简单:让 g++ 开心,明确定义。

您知道 aa_vector 的一个元素,定义为 std::vector<A> const &,因此您知道 aA const &


for ( A const & a : a_vector )
   // ....

不再需要推断 a 的类型,您的代码也可以使用 g++ 进行编译。