VS Marketplace 添加成员显示无效域错误

VS Marketplace Add Member displayes Invalid Domain error

我正在尝试向 Visual Studio Marketplace 添加成员。在我的帐户中,我转到“管理发布者和扩展”->“成员”,然后单击“+ 添加”。我提供的任何电子邮件显示 "Invalid Domain" 错误:

这是 VS Marketplace 错误还是我需要先以某种方式 link Azure 目录(或任何其他用户目录)?



我建议使用 top-right 角落的 "Need help? Contact Microsoft" link 联系 MS。

Microsoft 可能需要 Microsoft 联合(Hotmail、Live...或 AD 集成)ID。


这也可能是因为 Microsoft 禁止 gmail.com 作为有效来源 e-mail 域。

我在新注册的 Publisher 上遇到了同样的问题,我已经联系了 Microsoft。这是我被告知的内容:

Apologies for the inconvenience you are facing. This is currently due to an issue at our end. To unblock you, we can add the users manually to the publisher. Could you please provide us the VSIDs of the users that you are trying to add to the publisher?

To provide the VSID, do the following:

  1. Login to the Marketplace (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com) with the email address that has to be added to the publisher.
  2. After getting logged in, from the same browser window, open https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/connectiondata
  3. You should see some JSON data in the window.
  4. Copy paste the output of the page that you see. We are interested in the "id" field of the "authenticated" user.

We will manually add the users to your publisher, once we have the VSIDs details.

您需要使用 "Need help? Contact Microsoft" link 即 Grzegorz Smulko also 与 Microsoft 联系,但您也可以收集相关 ID 以在联系时包括在内以加快流程.

还有另一种方法可以通过 UserId 添加成员。请按照此处提到的步骤操作:Add Member to Publisher Via User Id