
What is the rationale of making subtraction of two pointers not related to the same array undefined behavior?

根据 C++ 草案 expr.add 当您减去相同类型但不属于同一数组的指针时,行为未定义(重点是我的):

When two pointer expressions P and Q are subtracted, the type of the result is an implementation-defined signed integral type; this type shall be the same type that is defined as std::ptrdiff_­t in the header ([support.types]).

  • If P and Q both evaluate to null pointer values, the result is 0. (5.2)

  • Otherwise, if P and Q point to, respectively, elements x[i] and x[j] of the same array object x, the expression P - Q has the value i−j.

  • Otherwise, the behavior is undefined. [ Note: If the value i−j is not in the range of representable values of type std::ptrdiff_­t, the behavior is undefined. — end note  ]



What is the rationale to make such behavior undefined instead of, for instance, implementation defined?



让我们考虑将两个指针作为参数的函数fun(int* arr1, int* arr2)。这些指针可以指向同一个数组,也可以不指向。假设该函数遍历一个指向数组 (arr1 + n),并且必须在每次迭代中将每个位置与另一个指针 ((arr1 + n) != arr2) 进行比较。例如确保指向的对象不被覆盖。

假设我们这样调用函数:fun(array1, array2)。编译器知道 (array1 + n) != array2,因为否则行为是未定义的。因此,如果函数调用被内联扩展,编译器可以删除冗余检查 (arr1 + n) != arr2,它始终为真。如果跨数组边界的指针算术被很好地(甚至实现)定义,那么 (array1 + n) == array2 可能对一些 n 是正确的,并且这种优化是不可能的 - 除非编译器可以证明 (array1 + n) != array2 n 的所有可能值都成立,这有时更难证明。

跨 class 成员的指针算法甚至可以在分段内存模型中实现。迭代子数组的边界也是如此。在某些用例中这些可能非常有用,但这些在技术上是 UB。

在这些情况下支持 UB 的一个论点是 UB 优化的更多可能性。您不一定需要同意这是一个充分的论据。


已对 C 语言进行了一项研究,以回答与指针出处相关的问题(并打算对 C 规范提出措辞更改。)其中一个问题是:

Can one make a usable offset between two separately allocated objects by inter-object subtraction (using either pointer or integer arithmetic), to make a usable pointer to the second by adding the offset to the first? (source)

该研究作者的结论发表在一篇题为:Exploring C Semantics and Pointer Provenance 的论文中,关于这个特定问题,答案是:

Inter-object pointer arithmetic The first example in this section relied on guessing (and then checking) the offset between two allocations. What if one instead calculates the offset, with pointer subtraction; should that let one move between objects, as below?

// pointer_offset_from_ptr_subtraction_global_xy.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>

int x=1, y=2;
int main() {
    int *p = &x;
    int *q = &y;
    ptrdiff_t offset = q - p;
    int *r = p + offset;
    if (memcmp(&r, &q, sizeof(r)) == 0) {
        *r = 11; // is this free of UB?
        printf("y=%d *q=%d *r=%d\n",y,*q,*r);

In ISO C11, the q-p is UB (as a pointer subtraction between pointers to different objects, which in some abstract-machine executions are not one-past-related). In a variant semantics that allows construction of more-than-one-past pointers, one would have to to choose whether the *r=11 access is UB or not. The basic provenance semantics will forbid it, because r will retain the provenance of the x allocation, but its address is not in bounds for that. This is probably the most desirable semantics: we have found very few example idioms that intentionally use inter-object pointer arithmetic, and the freedom that forbidding it gives to alias analysis and optimisation seems significant.

这项研究被 C++ 社区采纳、总结并发送给 WG21(C++ 标准委员会)以征求反馈。

Relevant point of the Summary:

Pointer difference is only defined for pointers with the same provenance and within the same array.


请注意,C++ 标准委员会中有一个研究组 SG12,用于研究 未定义行为和漏洞。该小组对标准中的漏洞案例和 undefined/unspecified 行为进行了系统审查,并推荐了一组连贯的更改来定义 and/or 指定行为。大家可以关注一下这个群的进展情况,看看目前未定义或未指定的行为是否会在未来发生变化。


确实,您系统上的指针是作为某种抽象内存(可能是虚拟的 per-process 内存 space).

但 C++ 不关心这些。 C++ 希望您将指针视为 post-its,作为指向特定对象的书签。数字地址值只是一个side-effect。对指针有意义的算法是通过对象数组向前和向后;没有其他哲学意义。

这可能看起来非常神秘和无用,但它实际上是经过深思熟虑和有用的。 C++ 不想将实现限制为向实用的 low-level 计算机属性注入更多意义,而它无法控制。而且,由于没有理由这样做(你为什么要这样做?)它只是说结果是未定义的。
