如何读取大型 JSON 文件作为 Azure 流分析的输入

How to read a large JSON file as input for Azure Stream Analytics

我正在提供一个 JSON 大小为 5 MB 的文件作为 Azure 流分析的输入,但出现以下错误。

"selected file 'filename' must be between 1 and 2097152 bytes"

选择的流单元数是 3。如何使流分析读取大 Json 文件作为输入?



For scenarios with large quantities of unstructured data to store in the cloud, Azure Blob storage offers a cost-effective and scalable solution. Data in Blob storage is usually considered data at rest; however, blob data can be processed as a data stream by Stream Analytics.

我建议您将大 json 文件存储到 blob 存储中,它将作为数据流处理。

将大型 json 文件存储到 Blob 存储中并作为流分析的输入提供。感谢@Jay Gong