如何使用 PhpSpreadsheet 检测合并单元格

How detect is cell merged using PhpSpreadsheet

使用 PhpSpreadsheet, 当我从 xls table 读取数据时,我需要找出这个单元格是否与其他单元格合并, 如果是,则对其进行某些操作,如果不是,则什么都不做


$inputFileName = $_FILES['uploadfile']["tmp_name"];
echo 'TMP-FILE-NAME: ' . $inputFileName;

$spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($inputFileName); //create new speedsheen object
$loadedSheetNames = $spreadsheet->getSheetNames(); //get name of Sheet

//and than print it
    //get Sheet Name
foreach ($loadedSheetNames as $sheetIndex => $loadedSheetName) {

  $sheet = $spreadsheet->getSheet($sheetIndex);
  echo "<table border=\"1\">";
  $rows = $sheet->toArray();
   **$mergeCell = $sheet->getMergeCells(); // - This is the answer to my question**
foreach ($rows AS $row) {
echo "<tr>";
    foreach ($row AS $cell) {
        echo "<td>" . $cell . "</td>";

     echo '<br/>';
 echo "</table>";


  1. 首先,您可以使用getMergeCells函数获取所有合并的单元格。

  2. 然后在该单元格列表中循环以检查您的单元格是否在该列表中。

汇总: 您可以使用此功能检查单元格是否合并

// Check cell is merged or not
function checkMergedCell($sheet, $cell){
    foreach ($sheet->getMergeCells() as $cells) {
        if ($cell->isInRange($cells)) {
            // Cell is merged!
            return true;
    return false;

代码引用自this answer

对于 PhpSpreadSheet: