iOS: 在 iPad 模态视图中获取键盘点的顶部?

iOS: Get top of keyboard point in iPad modal view?

我需要在显示键盘时调整 'message bar',并且在使用 iPad 模态视图控制器时遇到问题。 'message bar' 在显示时应该位于键盘的正上方,然后在隐藏键盘时位于模式的底部(消息应用程序样式)。

问题是我需要根据 Modal 的坐标系获取键盘框架的最高点。 我发现这个答案在理论上似乎是正确的,但不起作用 (How can I find portion of my view which isn't covered by the keyboard (UIModalPresenationStyleFormSheet)?):

仅供参考当显示键盘时,主要 window 中的键盘框架(即 'keyboardFrame')= (-84.0, 526.0, 768.0, 264.0)。为模态视图控制器坐标系(即 'newSize')转换时的键盘框架 = (-168.0, 292.0, 768.0, 264.0)*

// Convert the keyboard rect into the view controller's coordinate system
// The fromView: nil means keyboardRect is in the main window's coordinate system
let newSize = self.view.convertRect(keyboardFrame, fromView: nil)

// And then this is the part that gets covered!
let keyboardCoveredHeight = self.view.bounds.height - newSize.origin.y
self.messageToolbar.bottomConstraint.constant = -keyboardCoveredHeight

我认为您 运行 遇到了以下两个问题之一(也许两者都有):

  1. 在iOS8中,你必须将键盘的矩形从屏幕的坐标转换为space
  2. 在 iPad 上,sheet 视图有时会在显示键盘时向上移动一点,这发生在 键盘显示之后,因此您需要在 viewWillLayoutSubviews
  3. 中再次计算结果

这里是a sample project that does what you want


class TypingViewController: UIViewController {

    var keyboardHoverView: UIView! // your keyboard toolbar or whatever
    var lastKeyboardFrame : CGRect! // whenever you get a frame update, store it here

    override func viewDidLoad() {


    func createKeyboardHoverView() {
        // make your keyboard toolbar
        keyboardHoverView = view

    func observeKeyboard() {
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillShow:"), name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil)
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("keyboardWillHide:"), name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil)

    func keyboardWillShow(notification : NSNotification) {
        let dict = notification.userInfo!
        let frameValue = dict[UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue
        lastKeyboardFrame = frameValue.CGRectValue()


    func keyboardWillHide(notification : NSNotification) {

    override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
        // this moves the view again, in case the modal view has shifted up

    func moveKeyboardView() {
        if lastKeyboardFrame != nil {
            // this conversion is used in iOS 8 and differs from most online tutorials
            let frameInThisView = self.view.convertRect(lastKeyboardFrame, fromCoordinateSpace: view.window!.screen.coordinateSpace)

            var newRect = keyboardHoverView.frame
            newRect.origin.y = frameInThisView.origin.y - CGRectGetHeight(newRect)
            keyboardHoverView.frame = newRect

            println("Setting rect: \(newRect)")

我最终使用熟悉的类别在 iPad 模态视图中获得正确的键盘框架:

- (CGFloat)heightCoveredByKeyboardOfSize:(CGSize)keyboardSize
UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
CGRect frameInWindow = [self convertRect:self.bounds toView:nil];
CGRect windowBounds = self.window.bounds;

CGFloat keyboardTop;
CGFloat heightCoveredByKeyboard;

//Determine height of the view covered by the keyboard relative to current rotation

switch (orientation)
    case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft:
    case UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight:
        keyboardTop = windowBounds.size.height - keyboardSize.height;
        heightCoveredByKeyboard = windowBounds.size.height - frameInWindow.origin.y - keyboardTop;
    case UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown:
        keyboardTop = windowBounds.size.height - keyboardSize.height;
        heightCoveredByKeyboard = CGRectGetMaxY(frameInWindow) - keyboardTop;

return MAX(0.0f,heightCoveredByKeyboard);

连同 DAKeyboardControl(用于平移):

    // Use [unowned self] in closure for weak reference
    self.view.addKeyboardPanningWithFrameBasedActionHandler(nil, constraintBasedActionHandler: { [unowned self] (keyboardFrameInView, opening, closing) -> Void in
        if opening
            if UIDevice.isIpad()
                // iPad requires a different method due to use of modal view
                self.messageToolbar.bottomConstraint.constant = -self.view.heightCoveredByKeyboardOfSize(keyboardFrameInView.size)
                self.messageToolbar.bottomConstraint.constant = -keyboardFrameInView.size.height

        if closing
            self.messageToolbar.bottomConstraint.constant = 0


可以通过这种方式在 keyboardDidShowNotification 上计算精确的重叠

let parentRelativeFrame = view.convert(view.frame, to: nil)
let viewBottomVerticalOffset = parentRelativeFrame.origin.y + parentRelativeFrame.height
let overlap = viewBottomVerticalOffset - keyboardFrame.origin.y