Select 一个账户,当其他账户在 Hive 中不存在时

Select one account when other accounts do not exist in Hive

当 Hive

中不存在其他 account_type 帐户时,我想 select

我用Account_type = 'Second'过滤记录,但是所有记录都来了

Select Account_ID, Account_type
From Account
Where Account_type = 'Second'


Account_ID  Account_type

102         Second


Account_ID  Account_type

101         Second 
102         Second

如果 Account_ID.

存在 account_type,则使用解析函数计算标志


max(case when Account_type='First'  then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) first_exists_flag

对于所有 account_id=101 记录将是 1,对于数据集中的所有其他记录将是 0。希望你明白了。

Select 第二个 account_type 当第一个不存在时:

with account as (
    select a.*, 
              max(case when Account_type='First'  then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) first_exists_flag,
              max(case when Account_type='Second' then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) second_exists_flag
              --you can add more such flags
          from Account a

select account_id, account_type
  from account a
where a.account_type='Second' and first_exists_flag=0;

Select 第三个 account_type 当第一个和第二个不存在时:

with account as (
    select a.*, 
              max(case when Account_type='First'  then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) first_exists_flag,
              max(case when Account_type='Second' then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) second_exists_flag
              --you can add more such flags
          from Account a

select account_id, account_type
  from account a
where a.account_type='Third' and first_exists_flag=0 and second_exists_flag=0;


max(case when Account_type <> 'Third'  then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by account_id) other_account_exist_flag

并使用 other_account_exist_flag=0
