UML、OOAD 中的图表符号
Diagrams symbols in UML , OOAD
我见过很多与UML和OOA&D相关的符号、符号。大多数时候这些符号没有任何标签,所以我无法理解它们是什么。例如,我们有 Generalization
- 泛化是一般意义上的继承。从规范 :
a taxonomic relationship between a more general Classifier and a more specific Classifier. Each instance of the specific Classifier is also an instance of the general Classifier. The specific Classifier inherits the features
of the more general Classifier.
- 实现例如是继承的特化,class和接口之间的继承。从规范来看,它更全球化:
a specialized Abstraction relationship between two sets of model Elements, one representing a specification (the supplier) and the other represents an implementation of the latter (the client). Realization can be used to model stepwise refinement, optimizations, transformations, templates, model synthesis, framework composition, etc.
- 使用?你是说用例?
Is there any book , resource which depicts commonly used symbols and their meaning?
只有一个来源可以毫无疑问地信任:OMG UML documentation where UML is defined, so typically the superstructure。
警告例如 Wikipedia 不 感兴趣的是说 'truth' 但仅通过独立于其内容复制引用的来源(不幸的是我知道我的意思,通过对我的工具 BoUML 的体验)。
我见过很多与UML和OOA&D相关的符号、符号。大多数时候这些符号没有任何标签,所以我无法理解它们是什么。例如,我们有 Generalization
- 泛化是一般意义上的继承。从规范 :
a taxonomic relationship between a more general Classifier and a more specific Classifier. Each instance of the specific Classifier is also an instance of the general Classifier. The specific Classifier inherits the features of the more general Classifier.
- 实现例如是继承的特化,class和接口之间的继承。从规范来看,它更全球化:
a specialized Abstraction relationship between two sets of model Elements, one representing a specification (the supplier) and the other represents an implementation of the latter (the client). Realization can be used to model stepwise refinement, optimizations, transformations, templates, model synthesis, framework composition, etc.
- 使用?你是说用例?
Is there any book , resource which depicts commonly used symbols and their meaning?
只有一个来源可以毫无疑问地信任:OMG UML documentation where UML is defined, so typically the superstructure。
警告例如 Wikipedia 不 感兴趣的是说 'truth' 但仅通过独立于其内容复制引用的来源(不幸的是我知道我的意思,通过对我的工具 BoUML 的体验)。