
Perform Function for Every Open Workbook


当我 运行:

Sub Button1_Click()
' Button1_Click Macro
' Fire Ext. Comments
Dim w As Workbook

' For every open workbook...
For Each w In Application.Workbooks

    ' Activate the current workbook

    ' Find the comments column (K12 should be the "Comments" column)
    If Worksheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("K12").Value = "Comments" Then

        ' Then we loop through all cells in the specified range (anything below the header row)
        Dim rng As Range, cell As Range

        ' I'm using a range of 500 to look for values, so if a file has more than 500 rows, you'll have to look at it manually
        Set rng = Range("A1:A500")

        ' No loop to change all comments
        For Each cell In rng

...在“If Worksheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("K12").Value = "Comments" Then" 行。所以我认为它是从空白工作簿开始的,没有找到名为 "FIRE EXT." 的工作 sheet,所以如果激活的工作簿首先具有 sheet,那么首先测试的最佳做法是什么名称,否则转到下一个工作簿?谢谢!



Sub Button1_Click()
' Button1_Click Macro
' Fire Ext. Comments
Dim w As Workbook

' For every open workbook...
For Each w In Application.Workbooks

    ' Don't work on the current/blank workbook
    If w.FullName <> ThisWorkbook.FullName Then

    ' Find the comments column (K12 should be the "Comments" column)
    If w.Sheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("K12").Value = "Comments" Then

        ' Then we loop through all cells in the specified range (anything below the header row)
        Dim rng As Range, cell As Range

        ' I'm using a range of 500 to look for values, so if a file has more than 500 rows, you'll have to look at it manually
        Set rng = w.Worksheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("A13:A500")

        ' No loop to change all comments
        For Each cell In rng


Sub Button1_Click()
' Button1_Click Macro
' Fire Ext. Comments
Dim w As Workbook

' For every open workbook...
For Each w In Application.Workbooks

    If w.FullName <> ThisWorkbook.FullName Then     '<-- TA: Add check to verify you're not working on the blank workbook

        'TA: I removed the .Activate line, that is never necessary.  Instead, fully qualify all your references

        ' Find the comments column (K12 should be the "Comments" column)
        If w.Worksheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("K12").Value = "Comments" Then   '<-- TA: Note that Worksheets is now qualified to w so that it is checking worksheets in the current w workbook

            ' Then we loop through all cells in the specified range (anything below the header row)
            Dim rng As Range, cell As Range

            ' I'm using a range of 500 to look for values, so if a file has more than 500 rows, you'll have to look at it manually
            Set rng = w.Worksheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("A1:A500")    '<-- TA: Note that Range is now qualified to w.Worksheets("FIRE EXT.") (if that isn't the correct sheet name, change this to the correct sheet name)

            ' Now loop to change all comments
            For Each cell In rng


  1. 如果您正在使用的工作簿中不存在 Sheet 名称 "FIRE EXT."(带句点),您将收到错误消息。您正在循环所有工作簿,如果您有一个没有 sheet 的工作簿,它将出错。
  2. 在使用 Sheet 名称时最好坚持使用 Sheets,在使用 Sheet 号码时最好坚持使用 WorksheetsSheets("SheetName") 对比 Worksheets(1)
  3. 通过使用分配的工作簿变量避免使用 Activate/Select,在您的代码中,即 "w"

    Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim w As Workbook
    ' For every open workbook...
    For Each w In Application.Workbooks
        ' Find the comments column (K12 should be the "Comments" column)
        If w.Sheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("K12").Value = "Comments" Then
            ' Then we loop through all cells in the specified range (anything below the header row)
            Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
            ' I'm using a range of 500 to look for values, so if a file has more than 500 rows, you'll have to look at it manually
            Set rng = w.Sheets("FIRE EXT.").Range("A1:A500")
            ' Now loop to change all comments
            For Each cell In rng
            ' Now here you dont use "w.Sheets("FIRE EXT.")" because it is already set on `rng'
            ' so you can just use `cell` like cell.value = "Blah"