Angular 2-7:hiding/showing 组件在相同 URL 上的最佳方法是什么?

Angular 2-7: What's the best approach of hiding/showing components on same URL?

Due to some platform restrictions, there I can't use Routing - different urls to navigate to different components.

In other words, there is only



I manage to put all the child components in the AppComponent as a parent and use variables to indicate which child component to hide and show by ui actions in order to manipulate the layout.



As there are massive components are put together, the code in ts file is messy.

I am wondering if there is any better approach of NOT using booleans and ngIf to show or hide child components?

RESOLUTION 1: Does Routing have an advanced feature to navigate to different components on same url?

RESULUTION 2: Use Routing params?

RESOLUTION 1: Does Routing have an advanced feature to navigate to different components on same url?

是的,您可以改用哈希定位策略。这样您的页面仅由 angular.


示例: 您的服务器不会尝试 return 用户页面,而是 angular 评估它并呈现您的用户屏幕。

您唯一需要做的就是用 true 初始化 useHash

  imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {useHash: true})],
  exports: [ RouterModule ]
