TfidVectorizer.transform(['word1 word2 word3']) returns 的矩阵是什么意思,它是如何计算的

What's the means about the matrix that TfidVectorizer.transform(['word1 word2 word3']) returns , and how does it calculate it

为了获得 tfidf maxtrix,我通过 sklearn.feature_extraction.text.TfidfVectorizer、

训练了 50000 个文档
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

vec = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stop_words_file_list,smooth_idf=True)
crops_vect = vec.fit_transform(crops).toarray()

我知道crops_vect行是每个文档,列是从整个语料库中提取的词, 如crops_vect[document_id1]表示由语料库训练的tdidf构成的向量。 我的问题是,vec.transform(['america strong'].toarray() 是什么意思:

np.where(vec.transform(['america strong']).toarray())
>>>(array([0, 0]), array([112609, 195997]))

[i for i in vec.transform(['america strong']).toarray()[0] if i != 0]
>>>[0.675671442580281, 0.7372028904456914]

[i for i in vec.transform(['strong']).toarray()[0] if i != 0]


np.array([i for i in crops_vect.T[195997].toarray()[0] ])
>>>array([0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.])
np.where(np.array([i for i in crops_vect.T[195997].toarray()[0] ]))
>>>array([   20,   239,   250,   272,   303,   786,   797,   836,   924,
         1202,  1218,  1613,  1645,  1651,  1662,  1670,  1673,  1688,
         1691,  1697,  1721,  1728,  1766,  1780,  1849,  1935,  1975,
         1988,  1999,  2017,  2018,  2199,  2344,  2354,  2721,  2752,
         2775,  2785,  2788,  2809,  2818,  2826,  2830,  2841,  2844,

我的问题是: 1) 我知道 vec.transform(['strong']).toarray() != crops_vect.T[195997].toarray(), 什么意思 vec.transform(['strong']).toarray()

2)vec.transform(['word1','word2']代表什么), 是不是相当于在之前训练好的tfidf矩阵中加入一个新文档['word1','word2'],然后计算新文档的新tdidf矩阵?



TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stop_words_file_list,smooth_idf=True) 所以idf计算公式为:

idf(t) = log [ n / df(t) ] + 1 

vec.transform(['word1','word2'])是两个onehot向量垂直链接; vec.transform(['word1 word2'])是由两个单词"word1 word2"组成的文档,计算训练好的文档crops中word1的df和word1的idf 计算 df 和 idf , 最后归一化 v1/sqrt(v12 + v22),v2/sqrt(v12 + v22)